Chapter two

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Lando's sight

„Finally we're getting a break. You know what, I really like what we are doing but sometimes this is just boring and getting me very tired." Carlos says. „Yeah, I know what you mean. Good that it was the last strategic meeting for today." I say and we continue walking to the cafeteria. „Do you already know when we are going to have the photoshoot tomorrow?" No not really, but I assume you're asking because you don't want to show up earlier than five minutes before it?" „Yep Carlos, you're right." we laugh and get our food. Chicken wraps for me and some spanish looking thing for Carlos.

(Swap to the same day two years ago, where they get to know each other.)

We are already talking for a while and getting to know each other a little better.

„Do you have siblings" he asks me and I answer: „Yes I have. One older brother, Oliver, and two younger sisters, Flo and Cisca. Do you have siblings?" I ask him. He hesitates to answer for a second. „If it is not the right time to ask or you don't wanna tell me, its okay." I say quickly. „No no it's alright. Well, so I have one older sister, she is one year older than me and then I have one younger sister which is four years younger than me." Carlos says. „So you are the only boy?" "Yes. I also was supposed to have one more sister which would be the same age as you now." Carlos says quietly in the end. I hesitate to ask why he said, he was only supposed to have one more sister. „Can I ask what happened?" I say quietly. Carlos sighs and looks out of the windows behind me. „That's the complicated part of the story and also the hardest to tell." „You don't have to tell me. I'm so curious all the time. Sorry." I scold myself. „That's something I already picked up about you." he says and laughs. „Perfect..." I say and laugh as well.

(Back to the time now)

We ended our break and walked out of the cafeteria laughing. One of the workers tripped and fell, maybe it is not right to laugh, but we couldn't stop ourselves from it. All of the workers that are coming towards us are looking slightly annoyed but also smiling, because they know how we laugh at literally everything. We are on our way to the simulators, when we meet Zak in front of the meeting room. „Hello boys, shouldn't you be on the track right now and not laughing in the hallway?" he says with a serious tone but having a grin on his lips. „You have never seen us and all of this is only a dream." I say and start running to the sim room. Because I know Carlos wouldn't run with me I grabbed his arm and now I am pulling him after me. „Mate can you please stop running. He was joking." „You never now. You never know." I say convinced. We're finally at  the room and go straight to our places. When we race together there is, most of the time, no silence in the room. It is always filled with laugh, comments or swearing, but that's what makes it so fun and enjoyable. Even after one and a half years of racing together and sitting in the same room, when we do our sim racing we really cant stop teasing each other. „You are such a looser. I'm way better than you." I say and laugh loudly. I'm standing behind Carlos and watch him. My session for today is already done. „Never! You are the looser here. I will always be better than you." he says and ends his race.

„Do you wanna go on a run trough the park?"Carlos asks me when we get out of the room. Normally I would be on my way home now, but it isn't that late and I feel like the run could be good for both of us. „Yeah sounds good." I say and we get ready.

We have been running for a while already, when Carlos spots a girl a few hundred meters in front of us. „Have you ever seen somebody walking in this park who wasn't working for McLaren?" „No, never in my time here." It's not that it is forbidden but most people think it is, because of the guarded entrance. The girl hasn't noticed us till now, so we stopped and sat onto a near bench.
She was walking like a little puppy, first in one direction, than a complete turn, but back again and then backwards. First we didn't know what she was doing there and laughed a bit because it looked funny, but then I realised she had a camera with her and took photos of the HQ from different angles. „Seems like she likes our building there." I say to Carlos and poke him in the side because he was looking at his phone. „Yeah Yeah, wait what?" „I said it seems like she likes the HQ." „Oh you mean the girl over there. Yeah, looks kinda funny what she is doing there, but she is right. The HQ is interesting to look at." he says and smiles. „Well, what is Isa doing? Because I assume you are texting her." „Yeah I am texting her. She is with her family at the moment and I am missing her. You don't know that feeling of missing the loved one, because you will always stay single." Carlos says and starts laughing again. I look at him with an annoyed and disappointed look. „Haha, very funny. I thought we canceled that topic out." „Nope, I don't think it will ever be canceled out." „Well I could ask you sister out if you really need to see me having a girlfriend." „Never mate, cancel that out of your head right away. This is never ever gonna happen. Even though I know you're a good guy."  „Then stop it." I say.

After Carlos is done texting we get up again and continuing our run. The girl hasn't moved her position the whole time. From the far she looked kinda cute to me, but I would never start a conversation with her. I know me pretty well. We were still a few hundred meters away from her and we started a little race. The girl noticed us and looked afraid. She packed her things and literally run away from us. „Great Carlos now you have scared our new guest." I say and look at him slightly mad. „And what if I didn't? It's not that you would have talked to her anyways." he says and smiles. „You never know. Maybe I would have today. She looked cute and seemed very friendly and kind." „Maybe she will come back." „Probably not, because now she thinks that she isn't allowed to be here." I say kinda sad. I would have loved to talk to her. Even though I only saw her from the distance, I kinda had a feeling it would be nice talking to her and getting to know her.

We are running the rest of the way back to the HQ. I looked around at the place where the girl had disappeared, but it was like she has never even been here. „What are you looking for mate? Come on it is getting dark." Carlos screams for the distance because I stopped running and was just walking and he didn't stop with me. „Why, are you scared in the dark?" I ask and start running towards him. „No, but you are. I am only thinking about your safety." he says and we laugh. At the HQ we wait for each other to pick up our things and drive together out the parking lot of McLaren. At the crossing we go different ways. I drive right, he drives left. Must have looked kind funny how the two McLaren come out of the parking lot together, but drive completely different ways.

Back at home I get the dates for the photoshoot for tomorrow. It is going to be middays and we don't have to come earlier than this. That's kind of the best thing for tomorrow. I don't like photoshoots that much and I think the one tomorrow isn't going to change my opinion about it. The reason for the photoshoot is that we're going to be in a magazine and they want to take new pictures with the cars, obviously.

Living alone is very cool and relaxing because you don't have to care for anybody else or explain where you are going or so but sometimes it is just lonely. Always coming home to an empty and complete silent house is not very motivating and cool. That's why I often invite friends over or stream for hours on twitch. At home I quickly make dinner and start streaming on twitch with a few friends.

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