Chapter five

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Valeria's sight

I drive out of the gate and wave to the friendly guard. Lando isn't following me directly, but I don't really think about it, maybe he forgot something. They are all so kind there, even though I'm not sure about that Carlos guy. Sure he is kind and so on, but I can't estimate him. If I can't estimate a person, I'm scared of them. But overall I somehow feel a connection to him, but I don't know why and from where it comes.
I could have talked much longer to Lando, but I wasn't sure if he wanted to and that's why I looked at my phone to have an excuse. Lilly wrote me that she closed the shop earlier because there was nobody coming. So I thought I would quickly drive by. As I drove by the street where my shop is, I decide to work there, in order to get more done. At home I would find millions of other things to do. The shoot for McLaren is top priority now and I need to get it done as fast as possible.

I was already working for two hours, when I felt the hunger coming through. Because I need some fresh air, I decide to go out and get something from the take out nearby. It's not that far from my shop and luckily it is not raining at the moment. When I arrive I go in and order my food, while I wait I sit down by the window. „Didn't thought I would see you again that shortly after we said goodbye." somebody suddenly says to me. Startled I turn around, just to look in the friendly face of Lando. He smiles brightly and asks „Did I scare you?" „Yeah kinda, what are you doing here?" „Well I wanted to eat something, just like you I guess?" „That makes sense. Yeah I was starving after working at our pictures, so I quickly walked here." „Ah, that's why I haven't seen your car outside. Do you live near?" he asks. „No, not really. My shop is a few streets away from here." „Oh, you have a shop? That sounds cool. What do you sell?" he asks interested and sits down next to me. „Well, yeah I do, its just a small one, but at least it is something. I mostly sell camera related things but also some a few handmade things." I say and smile at him. He really isn't shy at all and that's what makes me wanna talk to him too. „Sounds cool, I have already thought you would have something for your own." „Why's that?" is ask interested. „I don't know, it's the way you have been so professional at the MTC. It's a complete contrary to what you have been in the park. Carlos and I said, you looked like a little puppy because you were running around so funny." „Oh well, I didn't thought it is that bad. I got told that pretty often, by many people." I laugh. „It's not bad, I like that. It shows that you love what you do." he says.  „Food for Miller." the waiter shouts. „ I think that's my cue. Was nice to meet you again." I say and stand up. „Yeah, see you." As I want to pick up my food, I realise that I forgot my purse in my office. In the same second I hear the call for Landos food. „Hey you, something wrong?" „Well yeah, looks like I forgot my purse in my office. No food for me right now." „I guess, I can solve this problem." he says and pays for me. „You really didn't have to do that." „But I wanted to." he says and takes my food with him. „Are you coming with me or what?" I follow him outside and we stop in front of the take out again. „If you have time, we can quickly go to my shop and I can give you the money back." „You don't have to, I liked doing it." „Well then, thank you. Maybe I can retaliate someday." I say and want to start walking to my shop. „You really thought I would let you walk those dark streets alone? No, I'm going to bring you to your office." he says and comes my way. I just look at him and he says „Well, you should start walking, because I don't know where your office is." I start to laugh and point in the direction. „Oh really? You don't know where it is?" I smile and start walking. „Thank you for doing that. Just follow me."

We were talking a lot and the moment we stand in front of my shop, I really don't want him to go. „Do you want to come in? We could talk a little and I don't have to be alone here." „If you are okay with it?" he says and smiles. „Of course, I asked. Come in." I chuckle and open the door. „Wow this is amazing. Did you designed this by yourself?" „Yes mostly. My mum helped a little, but I already had many of those ideas in my had for many years and then I just needed to bring them to life." he looks at me and smiles before we sit down at my little chilling place.

It fells like he really wants to get to know me and really is interested in what I am doing. Just like me, I want to get to know him better and befriend with him. Like a proper friend even though he is my customer. We ate our food and got to know each other a little more and didn't notice how we already talked for a few hours. Normally I would have worked while I ate but because of him, I finally got a break and could take my head off of work. „It is already late, I should get home." he says out of nowhere. „You probably also want to get home." „You're right, I haven't seen it is already that late." I say slightly sad. „Yeah, I should also get home. I have many things to do tomorrow. Do you need a lift?" I ask him. „I assume you don't live that near to here, right?" „Yes, I don't live near here. If it doesn't bother you, I would fancy a lift." We pack our things and I grab my car keys.

„Now you have to tell me where we have to go." I say and smile at him. „Yes, of course." he says and gets in the car. We drive silently with the music in the background. He tells me where to drive and we get to his home within 15 minutes. „Thanks for this awesome evening, it was pretty fun." he says as we drive up to his house. „I need to say thanks too. You gave me the chance to finally get a break after a while and I didn't had to spend my evening alone." I say and we get out of the car. We stand in front of my car awkwardly until he steps up to me and hugs me goodbye. Because it came so abruptly I freeze and can't do a thing. He luckily notices right away and steps back. I recognise a worried look on his face, but he doesn't dig deeper. „Maybe we will see each other again." „Good night, thanks for driving me. Come home safe." I wave at him and get back in my car.

Well that was an interesting evening.

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