Chapter seven

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Lando's sight

The next morning definitely is way to early and I would have loved to threw my alarm onto the wall. Even though I'm pretty tired now, I wouldn't have changed anything about yesterdays evening. I quickly get ready and drive to the airport. We decided to meet at the airport and when I arrive there Carlos and his trainer are already waiting in front of it. I really can't wait to talk to Carlos about yesterday and hear his opinion about it. „Don't you dare saying I'm too late. I'm completely on point." „Mate, I didn't even wanted to say something. You look extremely tired, did you streamed the whole night again?" „Awesome, I already knew I looked tired but that tired? No. I met Valeria again, when I was getting some food and we talked for hours and ate together." „Boys, we need to board now. You can talk in the plane." my trainer Jon says. Carlos and I stop talking and enter the airport just to go directly to the plane. When we sit down I start talking again and tell Carlos how perfect the evening were. „I didn't wanted her to go home alone so I walked her to her office and then she offered me to spend the evening with her. We talked for literal hours and when we stopped it was just because we had to fly today and I couldn't be late. It was really nice getting to know her and there were so many things I found out about her that I never thought about her. We actually have a lot in common and we can talk and never end. When I told her I needed to go home, she asked if she should drive me and at first I thought I should've asked her if I should drive because she also looked very tired but because of her not predictable reactions to different situations and didn't asked her. We drove silently but it wasn't a bad silence more of a comfortable silence. You know?" Carlos nods and i go on „At my house we stood in front of each other and then I took all my courage together and hugged her but she froze extremely when I did that and I quickly stepped back. It was really crazy but I already assumed that this would happen. She then quickly said her goodbye and drove away so I couldn't even ask for her number." when I end my story Carlos looks at me smiling very brightly. „Landoo, that sounds awesome. I think you two could be the perfect couple." „Chilli, I didn't even said something about being together with her but you are right, we could be pretty good friends." „When you ask me she has gone through many things and they haven't all been good. When you get to know her better and step into her life, you should be careful with what you do and what you say." „I know, I know I think this is going to work pretty well."

We flew for about two and a half hours and I had slept a little bit after talking to Carlos. When we get out of the airport in Italy there are already many people waiting and we take our time to greet the Italian fans and when we're done we quickly drive to the hotel. We are there quite early so Carlos and I decide to go on a run and train a bit. After that I quickly go shower and then just laying on my bed. I would've texted Valeria now but because I don't have her number I couldn't. So I look up her shop. In that moment I hear a knock on my door and when I open it, it is Carlos standing there, looking as bored as I am. „What are you doing mate?" „Just laying around and being bored. Complaining about not having Vale asked for her number to text her now, but anyways what are you doing here?" he gets in and flops down on my sofa where I was sitting with my laptop looking up Vale. „ Yeah of course, come in" I say chuckling but Carlos is not even reacting and more focused on my laptop.  „Well mate what are you looking up here. Looks like there is someone pretty interested in this girl." „No I'm not and even if I were, where would the problem be. You said yourself she is a very pretty and kind person. So if you want to tease me all the time you can leave but if you want to join, you can stay." „Alright, alright. I'm gonna keep my mouth shut about this." We keep looking around and in the end I find a phone number of her shop and that she most of the time isn't at her shop. She has a lot of shootings at the moment and informs the customers about it on her website. The most interesting and funny thing we find out it that her real or original last name is Vazquéz, just like Carlos second name, and that she seems to be Spanish. When I tell it to Carlos he first looks very surprised and when I take a closer look to his face it seems like he is thinking about something pretty hard but he seems to reject that thought right away. So I don't ask about it.

The weekend has gone away pretty fast and without me noticing it is already race day. Looked awful in the morning and it also did when we started to race but all in all it was a quite solid race, for Carlos and also for me. It was a good race, a really good race I came out of it with my fist podium of this year and my second of my whole F1 career and it was awesome. The start really was tricky because the track was wet and we saw nothing because of the spray and also the rest of the race was a little chaotic. Few safety cars and restarts as well as an red flag because of a crash of two cars. The last restart I really had a chance for the second place but I then had to let Lewis get past because he really were way too quick for me to hold up.
Carlos and me are on our way back to England and revise the race a little. "Well my race kinda were invisible." „What invisible, you fought just like me, I saw you in my mirrors." I say when Carlos said that to me. „Okay, maybe not that much invisible, but still not that much of podium chances." „They will come, I promise. There will be many races were we stand on the podium together." Carlos smiles at me and nods. „Yeah muppet you're right, we will share this podium, but with me having the win." we laugh and talked a little while longer and played some chess before we were already there. „What are you doing today mate?" „I don't really know. I originally planned to to some time in the simulator and then I wanted to visit Valeria." „Oh, alright. Well then greet her from me. See ya next week." Carlos says and as soon as he ended his sentence he was gone. I go to my car and drive back to my house. Finally back home, but at the same time I can already pack my bags again for the next race.

After I unpacked my bags and showered, I get int my car and drive to Valerias shop in hopes of meeting her there. Chances are low because she already told me that she is having a lot of shooting this time of the year but I can still try. At her shop I park my car a few hundred meters away from it and walk over. When I stand in front of it I'm amazed again. In the daylight it looks even better. I step in and a little bell over the door is ringing. From behind a big picture there is coming a young girl, smiling at me. „Hello, welcome to Vale's heaven, I'm Lily..How can I help you?" „Hello Lily, actually I wanted to ask if Valeria Miller is there." „Oh, no she is out of town at the moment. Do you need something important from her, maybe I can call her and tell her?" „No no, its alright. Do you know when she will be back again?" „No, not really, but tomorrow is the last day to reach her here again." The last day to reach her in her own shop again? What is going on here? „Alright, why isn't she coming back here?" „She is going on holiday for a few weeks and most of the time she closes the shop then. That's why she is always overworking before her holidays." the girl says and shakes her head in disbelief. That's the explanation for her being so extremely tired and why she was happy to get her head out of the whole work thing. „Well, I'm coming over tomorrow again then. Will she be here all day?" I ask in hopes she says yes. „Let me quickly check... Yes she will be here all day." I nod and thank the girl before leaving the shop.

After I drove away from Valerias shop I took a quick break in the park of the MTC and then head to my place in the simulator to revise the weekend. Just to find even the last tiny bit of mistake I made this weekend.

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