Chapter twenty-three

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Landos sight

We are on our way to the restaurant right now. I am kind of nervous just as Vally. I somehow reallz hope Carlos and Vally are siblings and she is his lost sister. This would make his world complete again and she can finally have a loving family again. Not that her adoptive parents aren't loving her but they have hurt her a lot.  I take Valerias hand because I can feel how nervous she is. We arrive at the restaurant and get out of the car. When we walk in a waitress is taking us to the table. When we see them sitting there I can feel how Valeria flinches. I grab her hand a little tighter, to reassure her, and pull her after me. When we reach the table I can see how Carlos family is looking at Valeria in shock. It is like they know her. I murmur „Everything is fine. You'll love them." Carlos's walking up to us and I raise my eyebrows to say that he should try it now. „Hey Evie, good to see you again." She laughs and says „Never getting tired of nicknames, huh?" I see how Carlos lets his shoulders fall down in disappointment. I can imagine how he feels. He hoped to finally find her and now we are still at the same place as before. After I introduced Valeria to the others and they asked her a lot of questions, we really had a very fun and calm evening. I already knew they would like her but I am a little unsure about why they asked her so many questions also their looks said something else. As if they saw somebody they knew.

The next day

I am very nervous. Today Valeria is meeting my family. She already met my dad but not my sisters or my mum. I can't wait to introduce her to them. I know we aren't a couple or so but it is very important to me that she gets along with my family and especially my mum so I hope everything goes well. „Are you excited?" She asks me while I am running around in our hotel room. „More nervous." Is everything I say. „Why's that?" She asks again. „Because you will meet my parents in a few minutes." She looks at me surprised. She comes up to me a takes my hand and gives it a squeeze. „The first time I met your dad went well, so the rest will be fine as well." I nod and smile. „You look awesome." She is wearing a black jumpsuit with the bracelet and the earrings I gifted her. „Thank you". We leave our room and wait in the lobby. After a few minutes I see how my family is getting out of the elevator and walking toward us. We get up and I walk towards them to greet them. „Hey mum, hey dad. Cis, Flo. Good to see you again." Hello Lando." I turn to Valeria and she says „Hi, I am Valeria, nice to meet you." „Hello Valeria, Lando told us a lot about you." I roll my eyes. „Oh, I already heard that." She says and smiles at me. I always can't get enough of her smiles. My mum goes up to her and hugs her. „Nice to finally have a face to the name." My mum lets her go and Vally turns to my sisters. They are very hard to convince but I saw how they looked at each other earlier. Seems to end good. „Hey, nice to meet you girls." They walk up to her as well and hug her. I didn't expect that. „It is very nice to meet you too. Finally Lando has found a girlfriend." She laughs and I turn red. „He can be annoying sometimes, huh?"Flo says. „Sometimes? Always." They all laugh and I only say. „Remember you are sleeping in my room." to Valeria. Now she is turning red. To myself I murmur „this was the worst idea I ever had." but Flo heard it. „What do you mean?" „The three of you together can only end up in many mischievous things." „Oh I don't really think so, Carlos and you are much worse." Valeria says and I take her hand and pull her to the cars. Valeria and I drive alone in my McLaren and my family is driving in the other car I ordered. After a minute Vally says „I love your family. All of them are so kind and open. „That's how we are." I say and smile. „But I like that you like my family." and I mean that. It makes me happy because I love both of them and I wouldn't want to decide between them.

And this family dinner went awesome as well. I already knew that but it's just an awesome feeling to really see it. The weekend has gone by so fast until Friday and now it is already Friday. Yesterday quali went awesome. I qualified for third and it gave me a total energy boost. I am in my garage standing next to my engineer and it is almost time to drive out on the track. Valeria is sitting next to my family and I must say she fits there perfectly. I jump into my car and the race starts.

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