Chapter ten

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Valerias Sight

He really asked if he could hug me, he didn't just go for it like the first time. It actually felt really good to hug him properly. I enter the shop and see Lily smiling at me. „You two look cute, you know that? What is it between you?" I look at her and just shake my head about her curiosity. „Even though it's normally not your business, we're friends and we only know each other for a few weeks, but its good. It really feels good." Lily nods and gives me a genuine smile. „What happened here Lily?" „Not much" Lily says. „Just a old couple saying how good their pictures are, you took from them a time ago and a few people who bought some art from yours." „Alright. If anything's happens or you need me, imma be working in the back. Just come to me then." Lily nods and I go to my desk to start the computer again. I sit down and take my phone. While I quickly check a few emails I decide to text Lando.

I don't text my name, I tease him a little to let him guess. He first seems a bit mad about me teasing him but then he guesses and still doesn't get it so I text him „Funny you brought me a daisy, not even knowing that it is my favourite flower." It takes him a second to answer but when he does, it's just a very loud voice message. He screams my name and after that he starts swearing and stopped the recording. I thought that was it but no. He texts me and says „Well it seems to be fate that I saw it standing there alone on the sidewalk and decided to bring it with me." I laugh at his message. I really know why I like being around him. He just easily makes me smile with the dumbest things ever. Can't even do one thing about it. We keep texting for a while, while I work on some pictures from my shootings of course. He stops texting then but not without an explanation why he stopped. He has to do the serious stuff now, was all he said. I think he means he has a meeting now. It is awesome how he thinks about explaining the situation so I don't overthink. I may be interpreting too much in this situation but still, it's a nice thought.

I keep on working on the pictures of my shootings to get them ready before my holiday and then I start a list with the things I have to restock of my art. I mostly sell the shootings but I also have some pictures of the nature around the world, or something like that, I took and then prepared to sell them in various sizes on different surfaces. Also my little accessories with key chain of cameras or other cute symbols are selling very good. Even bracelets in different colour variations, for example the colour of the Union Jack, are selling very good. After a while Lily comes up to me. „And how is it going?" „With what?" „Well, with the list for the restock and also with some guy with interesting eyes and curly brown hair." „The list for the restock is done I only need to make it ready and the guy with the interesting eyes and curly brown hair, has a name. And what should be going on with him?" „Alright, do you want me to do some of it? Maybe like the bracelets or something?" „That would be awesome, but don't over work, you have your holidays too." „I know, I know. And I also know that he has a name, but I like the mystery name I gave him." „Alright, then at least give him a proper nickname. One that not everybody knows in the first second." Lily looks at me with a big smile and says „You assume he will stay longer right? I'm gonna think about a good name." I nod and just smile, which seems to be answer enough for Lily. After we started the restock and talked for a while, we close the shop and both go home.

At home I quickly park my car and enter the house. My mom is not in town and dad probably is staying at the hospital again so I quickly check if someone is there and then go upstairs. I check my fridge for something to eat and decide to just eat an salad because I don't really feel like cooking right now. After that, I text Lando and ask if he is already done with his meetings and the other things he had to do and it doesn't take him too long to answer. We probably text for about an hour and a half before he asks me if I want to come over because he is tired of texting and wants to see me. I lay my phone down to think about it and after I didn't found a reason not to go I text him that I'm coming over in about 15 minutes. I quickly change into a hoodie and my joggers, before I take my car keys and make my way to his house.

When I arrive in front of his house, I sit in my car, for a minute or two, overthinking again. I get my shit together and get out of my car. It do looks good next to the McLaren. I laugh about my thought and go up to his door. Not a second after I rang the doorbell he already opened the door. „Finally, I already wondered when you want to get out of the car and come in?" he laughs and gets out of the way so I can step in. „Actually, I can also drive back home if you want to just make fun of me." I say and turn back around. He takes my hand and pulls me back into the hallway. „Nope, now you're here and I wont let you go now." we laugh and close the door. After he showed me round his house a little, because I was so curious, we get into his living room. I stop at the door and look amazed at his trophy and helmet wall. I always loved the different helm designs of the drivers, but to see all of his helmets in different designs at one place, just like they never belonged somewhere else, was amazing. „Wow, that looks beautiful, I mean your whole house is beautiful." I say and look at him. „Thank you, it was fun designing it." „Those pieces of interior are very beautiful and fit there perfectly." I say while smiling and pointing at his helmets and trophy's. „Yes, you're absolutely right there. Come we are gonna sit down. Do you want something to drink?" he asks. „Do you have tea? If not I would like a glass of water." „Of course I have tea." he says and looks at me shocked. „Sorry for thinking a Brit wouldn't have tea in the house." He laughs and walks to the kitchen. After a while he comes back with two cups of tea and sits down next to me, on the couch.

„Don't you have to fly to Portugal tomorrow?" „Yes, why?" „It is pretty late and I think you're coaches aren't going to be happy when you are tired and can't focus on the important things?" „And? We don't have to do so much tomorrow we fly in early to have some time in Portugal so all good." he smiles at me and we keep on talking. „Do you want to watch a movie?" I look at him and nod while saying „If you want to?" „Would I ask I if wouldn't want to watch one?" he says and smiles brightly. We decide to watch Ford vs. Ferrari and get comfortable on the couch.

It was a long day so after a while I feel myself getting a little bit sleepy and try to hold my eyes open. I really try to focus at the film but I just can't. I recognised how Lando watches me now and then and is smiling. He doesn't say anything but probably sees me struggling to not fall asleep. I really want to watch the film to the end but I'm torn between staying to watch the film or going home and sleep. I choose to stay and fight but after a while I loose the fight against my sleepinesses. I feel how I slowly fall onto his shoulder and resting my head there. It must look cute how we are laying here, chilling on the couch and me sleeping on his shoulder. I feel how he moves a little closer and rests his head on top of mine so I cuddle myself deeper into his shoulder. I can feel how my heart opens more and more for this Brit and I start to fully trust him. Hopefully it will end well this time.

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