Chapter nine

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Landos Sight
I came back home pretty late yesterday. Tough hours in the simulator but managed to find all my mistakes, I could find. Today I will finally see Valeria again and after my training and breakfast I get ready and drive to her store. I park my car a few hundred meters away again and walk to her shop. I'm really excited to see her after that much days and can't wait to talk to her again. On my way to her shop I see a little daisy on the side walk and feel the need to pick it up and bring it as a present for her.

I enter her shop and see her talking to some customers so I stay back and just watch her. She looks so happy and calm talking to the people who like her art and seems to want the best for all of them. It is really cute seeing her smiling as wide as she can when people praise her art and her hand made things.

When she is done talking to the older couple she looks up and it seems like her smile gets even brighter and bigger when she sees me standing there. Looks like the hug we ended the last meeting up with isn't that much of a problem anymore. „Hellooo, how are you? What are you doing here?" She says while walking towards me and smiling. „Well hello beautiful, I'm good how are you? I wanted to see you again. Lots of days since we saw each other the last time so it was about time to finally talk to you again." I say and smile at her. She laughs and says „I'm good as well and also good to see you again. I got told you were here yesterday?" „Yes that's true. I wanted to see you right after we landed here but guess what, you weren't here." „Yes, had a big shooting yesterday. The last ones for two weeks now." she says. „Lily, I'm making my break now. Would you please stay here and take care of the shop?" „Of course. You two enjoy the break and will take good care of the shop." Lily smiles and winks at me. „I forgot I have something for you." I take the daisy out behind my back and give it to her. I see her face turning red and how she tries to hide a smile. End of the story she lost the fight against the smile and it was a big happy and pure smile on her face. She turns around to Lily, to ask if she knows where the little mug from the counter went and Lily picks it up from behind the counter. „Looks good there, doesn't it?„ Valeria says after coming back with the daisy in a tiny mug filled with water. „Very good." I say and smile. „The next time it can be also more than just one alright Mister?" Lily says and looks at me with a straight face. „Noted ma'am." I laugh and Valeria goes and picks up her stuff.

We leave the shop and stop in front of it. She asks „What do you wanna do?" „I thought we could go eat something and walk a little maybe ."I say and she smiles. „Sounds great." I lead her to a good café and we order our food. We talk a lot about my weekend and also how hers went and after we finish our meal, I pay under protest from her and we leave the café and just walk around the streets. „Lily told me you were going on holiday?" „Yes I am. I think that is the most asked question at the moment." she says and starts to laugh. I look at her a little confused. „Why's that?" „Well, my mum was the first and then Lily and also the customers ask because of the sign at the door." I nod understanding. „But still, are you going to tell me where you are going on your vacation?" I ask interested. „Just because its you." she says and starts „First I'm going to visit Bristol for some new pictures and after that I'm going to Spain for a week." „Interesting, where exactly are your going in Spain?" „I planned on visiting Barcelona. Why?" „Just interested. Hope you enjoy it. We won't see each other a long time then." I say while pouting. „Yeah you're right. Will you survive it?" she asks laughing and starts to walk faster. „Oh wait, I'm gonna get you." I say and start walking faster too, until we both run around the streets.

We stop running and start laughing. „As much as I love talking to you and just walk around, I need to go back and still finish some photos, before we close." Valeria says. I nod and walk her to her shop. When we arrive we stop in front of the door and I say „Alright, then it was nice seeing you and enjoy your holiday." „I agree, you should visit me more often. It's fun. I will definitely enjoy my vacation, its much needed." „Where are you going this week? It is a triple header right?" „Yes, it is a triple header. Where going to race in Portugal this week. We will also leave tomorrow." „Oh cool. Not my favourite track but still enjoy watching it. Good luck for the weekend." „Thank you. Is it okay if I hug you goodbye?" I say faster than I thought about what I said there. Now it is definitely ruined. She doesn't say anything just looks at me and after what feels like a decade she nods and comes up to me. We hug and I enjoy hugging her properly. After we step back again we smile at each other and she leaves to work again. I start walking to my car happily and drive to the MTC. When I arrive and check my phone I could bang my head onto the steering wheel for how dumb I am. I again completely forgot about asking Valeria for her number.

I enter the MTC  and walk to the meeting room. After I arrive I sit down and wait for the others. I look at my phone and see a message from an unknown number saying „Heyy, guess who it is?" I hate these games, writing back and forth but not knowing with whom I'm texting. I first decide to just ignore the message but then I think about the people I met and gave my number to in the last weeks. Nobody of them would be texting me right now. They all know I am at work and I made clear that I don't want them to disturb me at the moment. Until the person sends a message saying „Funny you brought me a daisy, not even knowing that it is my favourite flower." and then I start smiling like a dumb child. It was Valeria all the time. First I send her a voice message just shouting her name and swearing a little and then I text her and say „Well, it seems to be fate that I saw it standing there alone on the sidewalk and decided to bring it with me." We still text a little and I stop texting when Carlos and our trainers enter the room. Carlos sits down next to me and asks „Where is that good mood coming from mate?" I only smile at him and say „What did you do?" „Why what should I have done?" I look at him with a concerned look and he just innocently smiles. „Maybe something that has to do with my phone number and a girl with brown hair and dark brown eyes just like yours?" „Do you mean Valeria? But I don't know how you connect your phone number to her or did you guys finally managed to share numbers?" Carlos asks suspicious. „Well somebody must have given her my number so she could text me and she only knows you, who could have my number, so you are the only person who could have done that." „Gentlemen can we please focus on important things now?" my Trainer Jon asks and I give Carlos the look to say „We're talking later."

After the meeting we step out of the building and walk to our cars and I ask Carlos „So what is it, that Valeria has my number now?" „If you really need to know, we met yesterday when I took a walk through the park and she did the same. We talked for a while and in the end it was pretty late and I didn't want to let her go home through the dark alone. Not only because you would've killed me if you found out but also because she feels like a little sister to me, so I drove her home and on our way to her house I decided I should give her your number. So I gave her your number and made her promise to text you. So I guess she held her promise and texted you." Carlos ends and I look at him confused. „She talked to you and drove in your car with you?" „Yes she did. Where is the problem?" „Well, she was visibly scared of you when she first met us and now she trusts you that much to drive in the same car with you." „We talked about it and sorted things out actually. I think she really is feeling safe around us. At least safe enough to be alone with us and tell us things about her, even though we only know each other for only a short time." I nod and stay silent. Carlos and I say our goodbyes and both drive home.

At home I do a quick workout and take a shower after before making myself something to eat. When I sit down and look at my phone, I see a message from Valeria and answer her. We almost text the whole evening and at some point I don't want to only text her, so I ask her if she wants to come over to talk in person. It takes a moment for her to answer but when she answers a wave of happiness is rolling over me. She agreed to come over and said she will be there in about 15 minutes.

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