Chapter thirteen

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Well, that was a weekend, even the race was going crazy. Many position changes and fights through the field but I still ended up in fifth place. So a good outcome for me and Carlos also took some points today. I took everything out of the car today and it payed off. Now it's Monday morning and I'm sitting in the breakfast room of our hotel with Carlos. „What are we going to do today?" I ask. „I think, first we're having a debrief for the race to talk about the last things and then it is up to us what we are going to do." Carlos answers me. I nod and say „What do you think about golfing?" „Good idea. There's a course not far from the hotel actually." „That's awesome. Let us go to the briefing, Jon texted me." We stand up and walk to the briefing room. About one and a half hours later we get out again. „That was a long one." „Yeah, you're right. Didn't thought we would already talk about the strategy for next weekend." „Me neither." I say. We get our stuff and walk to the golf course. We pick up the golf bags and start our round. After we have played half of the course we sit down on a bench and relax.

„How is Isa doing? Haven't seen her for a long time." I ask Carlos who is smiling at his phone again. „Oh yeah, she is fine. Lots to do in the last few weeks but she is coming to the Barcelona GP next week." „Oh that's cool." „Have you heard something from Valeria lately?" I shake my head. „The last time we texted was when she came back from Bristol and was packing for the time in Spain but after that I haven't heard anything from her. Why are you asking?" „Just wanting to know. You seem more calm than the last weeks. Why don't you just text her?" „She is in her holidays right now. I don't want to disturb her. She needs to relax and I don't think she needs a guy disturbing her." I say while smiling at the thought of her exploring the new places in Spain. „Maybe you are thinking completely wrong and she wants you to text her an disturb her. When she really likes you and wants you to be in her life she isn't going to be mad about you texting her. You can just check up on her and talk to her a little. A little tip, don't text her just call her it is more personal." Carlos says and looks at me waiting for a reaction. „Yeah, maybe. When are we going to fly to Spain?" „Just like always. You can't turn me away with changing the topic. But just for your information we are flying tomorrow morning at three o clock." I open my eyes in shock. „Three o'clock? Who had this idea?" Carlos laughs. „It was mine so I can spend a little more time with my family in Spain and you are coming with me." Why should I?" „Because they want to see you. No further discussion about it Muppet." I laugh and we keep on playing golf. After we end the game we count the numbers and turns out I have won this little game. I smile and say „Next time Chili?!" and keep my mischievous smile. „Unbelievable." Carlos mutters and we go back to the hotel.

We leave to our rooms to pack our bags. After I did that I have a shower and go back down to eat. It is seven o'clock when I am back at my hotel room and lay in my bed. Three o'clock flight. We are in Portugal the flight to Barcelona takes one hour. Why couldn't we just fly at like seven o'clock so I could sleep a little longer. While laying in bed I decide to text Valeria. I fell asleep without an answer from her. My alarm goes off at two o'clock in the morning and I sigh. Let's get ready and leave for Spain. Before getting out of bed I check my phone. No new messages. Well, it is two o'clock in Spain as well so why should she answer so early, she is probably or hopefully sleeping. I take my bags after getting ready and leave. In the lobby I see Carlos sitting at the chairs waiting. „Can we please leave now." is everything I am saying when I walk to him. He gets up and we leave. Only us two flying? „Are only us two already flying to Spain?" „Yes, why? The others fly at 4 o'clock in the evening." I stop abruptly. „What? Are you being serious?" „Yap and now come on." I shake my head and sit down in the taxi. We arrive at the airport and handle the controls pretty quick. Nobody here so it all works pretty fast. We board our plane and sit down at our seating places. He is lucky we are not sitting next to each other. I take out my headphones and try to sleep a little bit more.

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