Chapter twenty-four

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Valerias sight

After Lando and I said our goodbyes I drive straight to my flat. When I arrive I quickly unpack my suitcase and start the washing machine and I quickly take a shower. After I finished showering and eating I check my phone and see that Lando had called me. I call him back but he isn't answering. I put my phone on the charger and go straight to bed.

The last week before christmas, in the shop, was stressful. A lot of customers searched for last minute presents and also a lot of christmas shootings took place. Yesterday I drove to Lando and his family and we spent the day together. First we had lunch together and Lando and I went for a walk. Flo showed me the horses and after that I cooked dinner with Lando's mother. I stayed over and drove home this morning. Now I am in my shop for the last day of the year. In the afternoon I hear somebody coming into the shop. „Hey Lily, how are you? Excited for christmas." „Hey Lando, I'm fine. Yes, of course. Unlike the grinch over there I like the christmas time but this year something changed. What did you do to her? She isn't as grumpy as normally." I hear him laugh. „I don't know. She is spending christmas with me and my family. Maybe that's the reason." „Maybe, but maybe I just realised it is stupid to hate a month when I love the season." He turns around and I walk up to him. „Hey." „Hey." „What are you doing here? I thought you were already on your way back?" „I just wanted to see you again before Christmas." „But you saw me this morning?!" „And? I don't see a problem here?" He says innocent. We have a quick chat and then he drives back home. I told him I would be there at the 24th.

Lily and I get the shop ready for Christmas break and then we leave. Before we drive home Lily and I walk over to the shop of her grandmother and have a hot chocolate. It has gotten a tradition that I have a hot chocolate with her before Christmas break. We chat a little bit and then I drive back to my flat. I quickly pack a bag for the time at Lando's. I eat dinner alone and then quickly go to sleep. I haven't seen my parents since I talked about my family with them, which isn't very hard because they are almost never here and when they are, I am not.

Today is the 24th and I call Lando to tell him that I am on my way to them. It is not a long drive normally but somehow it is a busy street today.  I try to get there as fast as I can but still am careful. I am already driving since three hours because there is traffic everywhere but it seems to loosen up again now. I can drive freely again and I am happy that it is only twenty minutes until I arrive. Suddenly I feel how my car gets pushed and after that everything is happening faster than I can sort it out. I feel how my car is sliding across the street and suddenly I see how lights come directly at me and I close my eyes and hope I am just dreaming and I will wake up in a second. Just before I get hit I open my eyes again and then everything goes black.

Far away I hear people shouting and sirens coming near but I can't open my eyes or even say something I am the passenger in a sinking ship. I can feel how I drift away from consciousness and how everything is going silent.

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