Chapter eleven

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After I read her message I quickly got up and cleaned up some things. After ten minutes I hear how a car drives up to my house and stops next to mine. I expect her to get out of the car and come to the door but I am wrong. She stays in the car and waits for a few minutes. I let her take the time, to not force her. She is somebody you have to be very careful with so you don't scare her away. When she finally gets out of the car I wait a few seconds before opening the car so it isn't to obvious. „Finally, I already wondered when you want to get out of the car and come in." I say and laugh. She starts to show a small smile and then her face turns straight and she says „Actually, I can also drive back home if you want to just make fun of me." after that she turns back to the door. I quickly grab her hand and say „Nope, now you're here and I won't let you go."  We laugh and close the door.

I show her around my house a bit and when we enter my living room her eyes directly turn to my wall full of helmets and my trophy's. Her face shows that she is very interested in it and seems to like it. „Wow, that looks beautiful. I mean your whole house is beautiful." She says and looks at me. „Thank you, it was fun designing it." „Those pieces of interior are very beautiful and fit there perfectly." She says while smiling and pointing at his helmets and trophy's. „Yes you're absolutely right there. Come on, we are gonna sit down. Do you want something to drink?" I ask her. „Do you have tea? If not I would like a glass of water." I look at her offended. „Of course I have tea." I say and shake my head. „Sorry for thinking a Brit wouldn't have tea in the house." She says and and I laugh. I walk into the kitchen and make two cups of tea. I go back into the living room and sit down on the couch.

We talked a lot and after a while she asks „Don't you have to fly to Portugal tomorrow?" „Yes, why?" I ask and look at her questioning. „It is pretty late and I think your coaches aren't going to be happy when you are tired and cant focus on the important things." „And?" I say. „We don't have to do so much tomorrow. We fly in early to have some time in Portugal so, all good." I smile at her and wee keep on talking. After a few moments I ask her „Do you want to watch a film?" She looks at me and nods while saying „If you want to?" „Would I ask if I wouldn't want to watch one?" I say and smile to reassure her. It's not important which movie we watch, I just enjoy her company. She searches and decides to watch Ford vs. Ferrari. We get comfortable on the couch and she sits there rolled up with her teacup in her hands and looks at the TV excited for the film.

It really is a interesting film but after a while I see in the corner of my eye how Valeria is struggling not to fall asleep. I watch her struggling but let her fight it to not scare her away. I look at her with a smile very now and then. She fights for a while but she looses the fight and falls asleep. She slowly falls to the side and her head is almost laying on my shoulder so I get a little closer to her and lay her head properly on my shoulder. I smile and look down at her. It probably looks cute how we are laying here, cuddling on the couch. I rest my head on her head and she cuddles deeper into my shoulder. I keep on watching the film and let her sleep. It probably was a tough day and also the last weeks seemed to be very stressful, so she needs the sleep. I really like that she is trusting me so much that she is falling asleep at my house next to me, while she only knows me for a few weeks.

After the film ended I started an episode of my series and got tired as well. I fall asleep as well, resting my head on hers.
I already set an alarm for the flight to Portugal, which is why the awful tune wakes us up the next morning. We lay on the couch with her head on my chest and I try to reach my phone without having to move. I shut off my alarm and take a deep breath. I hear a whisper saying „Is it really time to get up?" I laugh a little and gently say „Yes, if we don't want to get in trouble with my coach and engineers." We slowly get up and Valeria looks around a little confused but after she turned to me her face turns into a smile. „Sorry, for falling asleep last night." „Don't be sorry for being tired after a lot of work. You needed it." she blushes and says „Thank you, I think it was the first time in a while I could sleep properly without waking up every hour." She smiles and I quickly hug her. „What do you think about breakfast?" „Actually I would love to have breakfast with you, but I have an appointment in about half an hour and need to change and get my stuff. Maybe next time." She says and makes her way to the door. „Alright." I say a little sad and open the door after she put on her shoes. „See you in three weeks." „Yes, expect me to come to your shop on Tuesday after the last race." „I will mark it my calendar. Have good races and stay safe." She says and gives me a quick hug and a last smile. She goes up to her car and touches mine slightly before getting in. „Don't touch it, it's very sensible." I shout and laugh. She rolls down her window and says „Are you sure it's not you who is very sensible?" laughs and drives away from my house. I shake my head and get back in. This is going to be an awesome friendship.

After a quick breakfast and a run I get my bags and prepare myself to leave the house. I check every room if the windows are closed and also if I didn't forget anything there. When I check my living room and sit down on my couch, for a few moments before Carlos arrives, I see something shiny laying next to me. I reach for it and when I pick it up it's a small bracelet with a dangling compass. I start to smile and think about Valeria. She must have lost it last night and didn't notice it's not there anymore when leaving this morning. I keep on playing with the bracelet until Carlos texts me he is standing in font of my house and the muppet may come outside if he wants to keep his job. I laugh, take my bags, my phone and the bracelet and leave the house. A lot of things to take when it's time for triple headers and with not coming home in between the races.

„Buenos Días muppet, how are you?" „Morning Chili, pretty good what about you?" „Also good. Excited for our triple header tour?" „Yes of course. Three races where I hope for good results and even though it's a long time it hopefully is fun." „Yeah me too. I hope for good results too, we have to win a championship against Ferrari this year. It sometimes is just too long. I mean three weeks without family and friends are kinda hard." „Your friends are with you?" I say and look at him with a concerned look. „I know that you are here but who said you are my friend? And by friends I meant Isa." He says and slightly smiles while looking at the street. „Oh that's the way we're going now." I say and turn to the window. „In that case I won't tell you how my day with Valeria were." I see him turning his head to me and can already imagine his reaction. „Your what?" „Not talking, we aren't friends. Your words." I say and start smiling. „Stop it and tell me. We are friends no matter what. IdiOt." He says and I give up, laughing my ass off. „We're almost there, gonna tell you on the plane, what was going on yesterday and today." „You are definitely not making it any better with just giving me the worst hints you could ever." He says and parks the car at the airport. We get out and walk to the gate.

We board the plane and sit down at our places. I get comfortable and luckily Carlos and I got seats together so he wouldn't message me all the time. „Tell me. Now. No excuses." he says concerned. „Alright if you really want to." He nods extremely. I start telling the story from the break Valeria and I had to the moment I was in the MTC with Carlos and got home after that. I just told him how I ended up not wanting to text anymore and asked her to come over. „You did what? And she came?" „Let me keep talking if you want to find out." I keep on talking „... and after we talked for a while I asked her if she would like to watch a film and she agreed. So we watched Ford vs. Ferrari and it really was a good film but after a while I noticed how she struggled not to fall asleep. I let her fight her sleepiness and even though she tried hard, she lost the fight and fell asleep. Because we were sitting so close her head fell on my shoulder and I moved a little closer to her so she could lie there properly. After that she cuddled into my shoulder a lot more and after the movie ended I started an episode of my series, I am watching, and realised how I got tired too. Before I fell asleep I had my head on the top of her already so it was easy for me to fall asleep too. In the morning we woke up just because of my alarm and I reached for it to not wake her. Hard thing to do that, because she was laying on my chest and I couldn't really move without her waking up. I managed to get my phone and stop the alarm before waking her up. We kept laying there for a few more minutes before we both noticed we had things to do and needed to start our day. Before you ask, yes I asked her if she wanted to stay for breakfast but she couldn't because of an appointment. So that's how our morning and evening went." „Sounds very cute to me. Seems like she really likes you, that you like her is already obvious. I would've loved to take a picture of you two laying there, cuddled up and sleeping with only knowing each other for a few weeks. Why did you let her sleep at your house?" I look at him confused. „Fist why not? And secondly I knew how much she needed the sleep. I saw her working very hard and knew how she felt, so it was my responsibility to allow her to get a good sleep and rest for a while. If it is at my house and with me, where she can sleep and rest properly, I'm definitely not angry about it." „Okay mate, now I'm definitely sure you already kinda love her without noticing it." „Stop the bullshit. I know we are going to have a good friendship but nothing more and nothing less." Carlos shrugs his shoulders and I end our conversation with taking out my headphones and listening to music. It is always good talking to Carlos even though he sometimes says things I don't want to hear. I play with the bracelet of Valeria which found its way to my wrist. This are going to be long three weeks but little do I know something is going to happen throughout those.

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