Chapter four

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Lando's sight

Just like I said to Carlos yesterday, I turned up five minutes before the photoshoot and changed my clothes real quick. Now it is 14:15 so I'm five minutes late, but I don't think they would start without me because they need me to be there. When I turned in the parking lot earlier I noticed a BMW, which I think is the one of the photographer, because I have never seen it around here. It made me think about who it could be and if it is maybe the girl from the park yesterday.

Because I'm already late I quickly walk to the memory hall and enter it. I notice two people there, one is Charlotte and the other one is another girl. She is looking right at me and I smile brightly. She kinda looks like the girl from yesterday, maybe I will find out later, if it was her. Behind her I see Carlos entering the hall from the other side and walk up to them from behind. Because I have a longer way, Carlos is there before me. He raises his hand, when he is almost next to her, to greet me and right in that moment, she flinches. It's almost not recognisable, but I have seen it. I look a little bit confused, because it almost looks like she was scared that he would slap her but he just greeted me. I look at Charlotte, next to her, but it looks like she didn't noticed it. I go up to them and greet Charlotte, while Carlos is trying to greet her but, even though she is trying to hide it, she is still kinda scared of him. When she greeted Carlos she looks over to me and I also greet her. „Hi, I'm Lando, driver for McLaren, obviously." I say kinda nervous. She takes my hand and says „Hi , nice to meet you, I'm Valeria and I'm obviously your photographer for today." she says smiling a bit while looking at Carlos and me.

We quickly talked about which photos we need and she looks around to find the best places. I kinda already have the confirmation, that she is the girl from yesterday, because of the way she is running around the hall to find good photo spots but I still can't be completely sure. „Hey mate, what are you smiling at?" „Am I smiling? Just looking around." „Yes you are, and everybody can see it. I know you're looking at her." „Yeah why shouldn't I? She looks cute and I kinda have a feeling, that she is the girl from the park yesterday." „Yeah, you could be right. It looks as funny as it did yesterday. Just talk to her, she looks like a good friend." „Maybe Carlos, I don't know if she would like me. Did you see how she flinched when you took up your arm to greet me?" „No I didn't. But wait a minute, she flinched?" „Yes it was almost not recognisable, but I have seen it because I was looking right at her that moment." „That's crazy. What must she have been through." „I don't know, but it must have been something pretty bad. I would really like to get to know her and find out." „I can understand you. She would probably go out with you if you ask her." „Maybe." I say. „Guys we want to start." Charlotte says points at the photographer.

We took a lot of pictures together and then also some shots alone. Carlos is first because he has an appointment and we are already taking longer than it was planned. After he is ready he says goodbye to the photographer and comes up to me. „Hey mate, gonna go now. If you really want to get to know her, talk to her. She is awesome." „Okay Chili, see you tomorrow." I say and go over to the girls. „Okay, so I would like to do similar shots to the ones from Carlos' and then we can look if we need some other ones still." „Alright, tell me what I have to do and I will try to do my best." she laughs and shows me where I have to sit.

We take a few more shots and then we are done. Contrary to my expectations, the shooting really was fun and it wasn't boring. Charlotte leaves us alone and I stay with Valeria till she has packed all her stuff. We go silently to the parking lot together. „It was really fun today, thanks for that." I say as we are at our cars. „That's awesome to hear. I know how bad some shootings can be. I really liked working with you guys too." she says and smiles at me. „It's crazy that I've never heard of this place, even though I'm living here." she says. „Yeah, that's pretty crazy. Everybody knows this place." I say and ask her: „Do you were in the park yesterday? I saw a girl photographing there, but she ran away." I see how her face turns slightly red. „Yeah I guess that was me." she says silently and nervous. „Why did you ran away?" I ask and see her playing with her fingers. „I thought I'm not allowed there, also because I never heard of the place and when I saw you guys, it was you right?, running towards me, I panicked." „Oh okay, we didn't wanted to scare you. We did a little race, but I understand why you ran. Well just so you know, the park is open to everyone, feel free to come back here." „Thank you, I also already asked my mum if I'm allowed here. I really think I will come back here, it's just beautiful and the people are also kinda nice." she says and laughs. „That's good to hear." The conversation seems to end even though I don't want it to end. She looks at her watch and takes out her phone, she smiles and puts it back. „I gotta go now. It was nice meeting you." „Alright that's it then. It was nice meeting you too. Get home safe." „I will and you too." she gets into her car and I get into mine. She drives in front of me through the gate and I stay a second at the gate to talk to the guard. „If she ever comes back here and wants to visit us, let her in it's on my responsibility." „Normally I'm not allowed, but I will make an exception for once." I smile at him and thank him. When I drive out I wish him a good day and drive home.

It really was an interesting day, so I'm happy I can go home and just relax. When I get home I realise I don't have any food there because I will be away again soon, so I don't really need it. I take a walk to the next take out, to get some food. It is a relatively mild night, not to cold and not to warm. It is always pretty soothing to walk through the streets of Woking.

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