Chapter twenty-one

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Landos sight

I am still a little bit startled from my crash earlier, but it is alright. Valeria and I are sitting in the dining hall with Carlos and my dad and we are enjoying our meal. „I don't think the rain will stop tomorrow it will probably rain more, if that's even possible. Maybe they will cancel the race tomorrow." Carlos says and I nod. It is dumb to race in those conditions. The track is completely wet and you can't see a thing because of the spray. Valeria squeezes my hand and I turn my head to her. „Everything alright?" I ask. „Yeah, everything good. Are you okay or do you wanna go upstairs in the room? You look tired." I smile. She is right, I really am tired. „I think that would be a good idea. We're going to sleep. See you tomorrow." I say to my dad and get up. I take Valerias hand and pull her after me. „See you tomorrow Adam." She says and then follows me. I can already imagine the look of my dad, with which he is looking at us, because we just ran away so fast. We get ready for bed and then lay down. „I hope tomorrow will give you a chance to receive better results." I nod and say. „I hope too." It gets silent and after a while I hear her calm and silent breath. I lay awake for a quite long time until I eventually fall asleep pretty late.

In the middle of the night I wake up again. It must have been only two hours I have slept. I look around and see how Valeria is turning around very much and is murmuring things. I try to wake her up but she isn't. I shake her shoulders and before she wakes up she shouts „Carlito." nothing else just this name and I suddenly know what she was dreaming about again but something changed. She never mentioned a name. „Hey, wake up Vally. I am here. Nothing is happening to you." She looks at me and I pull her in my arms. „Thank you." I smile and give her a kiss on the head. It is funny that we don't know each other for such a long time and we are already here laying in one bed and comforting each other. I mean I wouldn't want to not not have her in my life anymore but the thing between us is kind of confusing.

We fell asleep again and in the morning when my alarm rings I hurry to shut it off. „Vally?" „Mhm?" „We need to get up." She cuddles deeper into my chest and murmurs „But I don't want to." I smile. „I don't want to get up as well but this is my job and I really want to keep it." „I know." We get up and she quickly showers and then lets me get ready as well. We leave the room and walk down to breakfast. „"Morning guys." I say when we arrive at our table. My dad and some mechanics are already sitting there and Carlos is coming over right now. „Hey mate, how are you?" „All good." I say and sit down at the table. We quickly eat our breakfast and make our way to the track.

„Lando, we have a meeting before the race. Andreas called me earlier." I nod and turn to Valeria. „You can wait in my suite if you want to or you look for Charlotte, she will be somewhere in the hospitality probably." She nods and we get out of the car. We walk in different directions from the entrance. „Mate, I have to talk with you about something. Can we talk after the meeting?" „Yeah, of course. What about?" „It is about Valeria." Carlos looks at me and nods.

After the meeting we walk out of the building and it is still raining very much. „I am curious, if we will race today." „Yeah me too. Let's go to my suite and talk." „That's a good idea." I agree and we walk to his room. „So what did you want to talk with me about?" „Well, you know that Valeria and I are really good with each other. When we were in Barcelona something was off and I met her there. She was completely down and panicked in every second. It had something to do with her past and she got reminded of it when she visited Barcelona. She told me about her childhood and I noticed some things. Last night she had a nightmare again but this time she mentioned a name. I have heard your mother call you this name too. I don't think this is a coincidence. She said the nickname 'Carlito'. Do you know something about this?" Carlos widens his eyes out of shock. „Carlito?" he whispers. He then stands up and walks through the room. „What is it mate?" He doesn't answer me.

Do I know you?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang