Chapter eighteen

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Valerias sight

I still cant believe it, I am flying to Monaco today. I always wished to visit it someday but that it would happen so quickly is something I could have never imagined. We are standing in the elevator, ready to take one last trip to the beach. „Did you sleep tonight?" I ask him out of nowhere when I see him yawning. „Why?" „Because you are yawning the whole time and you look tired as well." He looks down at his feet and smiles. „No, I haven't slept but it doesn't matter I am totally awake." I laugh „Of course." I shake my head and the doors of the elevator open. We step out take our last walk at the beach.

„Do you have everything?" Lando asks me when we are standing in my hotel room. „Yes, I should have everything. I searched the whole room earlier so when I forgot something it is something that isn't too important." „Alright, then lets go to Monaco." He smiles and takes my bags. „Lando." I say warningly. „ I can take my bags myself." „I know but why should you, when I am here." I shake my head and walk after him. When we arrive in the lobby I already see Carlos and a few other people standing there waiting. „Are we too late?" I ask Lando before we reach them. „Not more than they are used to." I shake my head in embarrassment. When we reach them I say „Hey, I am sorry we are too late, I didn't know when we had to be here." They all start laughing. „No problem we already know that Lando is always late." „Hey that's harsh. I am always only a few minutes later." I smile. When everybody is there we walk out of the hotel and the cars are already waiting. We put our bags in the cars and sit down. Th drive to the airport is not that long. At the airport we walk through a separated security control so we are much faster than the usual controls and walk up to our gate. „Are you excited?" Carlos asks me while waiting. „Actually yes. I always wanted to visit Monaco and now I am flying there with you guys and also watch the race. This is incredible." I smile widely. I am really very happy to fly to Monaco. „Have you enjoyed your holiday in Barcelona?" A shadow rushes over my face until I put a smile on my face again and say „Yes, it was awesome." Trying to hide that I am lying about it. „The flight 40567 to Nice is now ready to board." I hear the flight attendant say. Adrenaline rushes trough my veins as always when I board a plane. Lando is taking my hand and pulls me after him. We arrive at our seats and I sit down at the window. „I already figured you are a person who is always sitting at the window." I smile wide. „Totally right and not because I have seen the most beautiful sunsets from here but also because I hate to sit at the gangway. To many people and I always have to get up when the people from the middle or window want to stand up." He laughs and shakes his head. He is still standing at the first seat and I ask „Aren't you gonna sit down?" „No, I don't have a seat here. I sit a few seats behind you." I look at him in shock. „No you are not. Don't say you are being serious right now?" he is looking at me with a dead serious face, not a single movement. „I am dead serious. It was the last seat left." I shake my head. My anxiety is rising. I can't sit here alone with two strangers. Not after those last days. I need someone I know next to me. Then I see a smile rising at Landos face and he starts laughing. „You should have seen your face. Of course I am sitting next to you. I said I will never leave you alone anymore and I meant it." My breath is getting slower again and when he sits down I punch him at his arm. „Stop doing things like that." I say and smile at him. „That's what I like to see. More of those smiles please."

The flight goes by pretty fast and I sleep most of the time. The good thing is I didn't have nightmares but the bad thing is I have a bad neck ache now. I tried to find a comfy position on Landos shoulder but even though it seemed comfy it really wasn't. Sleeping in the airplane isn't the best but the night in the chair was much worse. We step out of the airplane and Lando takes my hand again. We get our bags and when I think we take the next taxi Lando is pulling me in a different direction. „Wait where are we going?" „You will see where we are going in a second." But what is with our bags they are still standing at the entrance with the others." He shakes his head and just pulls me after him. After a few metres we come to a helicopter port and one is already waiting. „Are we taking the helicopter?" „Surprise." He says and looks at me excited. „I wanted your first time in Monaco, to be one to always remember. Here we are flying to Monaco with the helicopter." I turn to Lando and hug him tight. „Thank you so much. You don't know how much this is helping." He just hugs me a little tighter and pulls me to the helicopter.

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