Chapter six

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Lando's sight

The walk really had something, I could take my mind off of the many things I have to think about and could just walk and relax. I met a few people from my neighbourhood and talked a bit. I walked for almost an hour to the take out and when I get there I immediately notice somebody familiar sitting there as well. I order my food and walk up to Valeria. „Didn't thought I would see you again that shortly, after we said goodbye." I say to her and she turns around obviously startled. „Did I scare you?" I ask and smile at her. „Yeah kinda, what are you doing here?" „Well I wanted to eat something, just like you I guess?" she smiles and says „That makes sense.I was starving after working at our pictures, so I quickly walked here." She walked here? So maybe she lives near here somewhere. „Ah that's why I haven't seen your car outside. Do you live near?" „No not really. My shop is a few streets away from here." I look surprised but I already imagined her having something for her own, something build up by her heart. „Oh, you have a shop? That sounds cool. What do you sell?" While she tells me about her shop, I can see a spark in her eyes, happiness. Happiness to talk about the thing she loves the most. I love that, it shows how much it really means to her and that she loves what she does. Her smile really is something special. I'm normally pretty shy and don't really ask that much, but there's  something about her that fascinates me. I really want to get to know her and find out all little things about her.
When I tell her, that Carlos and I saw her at the park, running around like a little puppy, she blushes and tries to hide her face. Just cute.

Abruptly the waiter shouts „Food for Miller" and I slightly jump. „I think that's my cue. Was nice meeting you again." she says and stands up. I hope my food is ready as well, so I can find a way to talk to her a little longer. „Food for Norris." I stand up and see her standing at the counter searching something, probably her purse. „"Hey you, something wrong?" she is looking at me with a look on her face, pretty anxious and nervous. „Well yeah, seems like I forgot my purse at my office. No food for me right now." she says and her shoulders tighten up a lot. I can't see her like this. „I guess, I can solve this problem." I say and pay for her food. The waiter smiles at us and I take her food with me. „You really didn't had to do this." „But I wanted to." I say and truly mean it. „Are you coming with me or what?" I ask when I see her still standing at the same spot as before. She follows me outside and we stop in front of the take out again. „If you have time, we can quickly go to my office and I can give you the money back." she says when I give her the food. „You don't have to, I liked doing it." I say and she looks at me surprised. „Well then, thank you. Maybe I can retaliate someday." I didn't thought she would accept it that easy, but it really seems like she doesn't have the energy to discuss it. She starts to walk away, but I stop her. „You really thought I would let you walk these dark streets alone? No, I'm going to walk you to your office." I say and walk up to her. She looks at me and I can't help it and say „Well, if you don't start walking, we are never going to reach our destination." She starts to laugh and I smile.
I start walking in the direction she started walking to a second ago and I say „Would be very kind from you if you would show me the way." „Oh really it would? You don't know where my shop is?" she asks sarcastically. I laugh and we start walking. „Thank you for doing that." she says as we start walking. I simply nod and smile at her.

We walked for a little while and when we stoped in front of her shop I really hope she would ask  if I want to come inside. It already looks comfy from the outside and I think it would give me some hints about her and how she is. When we stand in front of each other I can see how indecisive she is. I don't know why, but I assume it's about me just by the way she looks at me. „Do you want to come inside? We can talk a little and I don't have to be alone in here." She asked, she really asked. That's awesome. „If you're okay with it?" I say, hoping she wouldn't change her mind. „Of course I am, I asked. Come in." she chuckles and opens the door. When I step in, I'm amazed. It is just one room, but parted trough furniture or big pictures hanging from the ceiling. Everywhere you look there are little lights and a lot of Spanish looking decorations. „Wow, this is amazing. Did you designed this by yourself?" I ask and go on with looking around. „Yes mostly. My mum helped a little, but I already had many of those ideas in my head for many years and then I just needed to bring them to life." she says and proudly looks at me. Do I look like that when I talk about driving the Formula 1 cars? Because I think that's this spark for the loved things, they're all talking about. I smile at her and we sit down at a chilling space behind a picture wall. Everything in here seems to fit perfect and as it would have been there forever.

We were talking a lot and I can say it is awesome. I really want to hear her stories and she seems to like mine as well. We figured we have a lot in common and we couldn't really stop talking. We were talking so much we didn't even notice how late it already got. We need to fly to Imola tomorrow and it will cause stress if I'm tired. Even though I don't want to go, I say „It's already late, I should get home." she looks at me, with tired eyes. „You probably also want to go home." „You're right, I haven't seen it is already that late." she says looking kinda sad and stands up. „Just like you said, I should also get home. I have many things to do tomorrow. Do you need a lift?" she asks and I look at her, surprised by her offer. „I assume you don't live near to here, right?"„Yes, I don't live near here. If it doesn't bother you, I would fancy a lift." I answer and she nods. We pack our things and get out.

As we stand in front of her car, I think about asking her if I should drive. She really looks pretty tired and I don't want us to get in danger. I assume its better if I don't ask, considering her unpredictable reactions in different situations. „Now you have to tell me where we have to go." she laughs. „Yes, of course." we get in and she starts driving. We mostly sit in silence, just the radio playing in the background. It was a quick drive and as we turn onto my street, I wish it had been longer. „Thanks for this awesome evening, it was pretty fun." I say as she stops in front of my house. She turns to me and says „I need to say thanks too. You gave me the chance to finally get a break after a while and I didn't had to spend my evening alone. I also enjoyed talking to you." she says and I look at her surprised and smiling. We get out of the car and as we stand in front of her car, nobody talking, I think about hugging her goodbye. Normally it wouldn't be a problem I think, but I have a feeling, I should be careful with her. I take all my courage together and go up to her and hug her. She freezes and I quickly step back, and look worried to her, about her next reaction. She says „Maybe we will se each other again." and opens her car door. „Yeah maybe. Good night, thanks for driving me. Come home safe." she nods and waves at me as she gets into her car. I hope I didn't ruin everything now. I stop at the door and look back to her, to see her car drive away.
It was a fun evening until this awkward moment when I hugged her. I open the door and go inside. I really feel the need to find out what the reason is for her acting that crazy. Damn, I don't even have her number to meet up with her again. I should've asked for her number earlier. I shake my head, maybe I will visit her when we're back from Italy. Carlos and I will fly tomorrow morning, so we can get all settled and relaxed for media day on thursday. I really need Carlos' opinion on the situation, but it is already late so I decide to talk to him on the plane. I quickly pack my bags and get all the stuff I need, near the door. It is not very much since it's only one race and then I'm going back home because we're not racing overseas. I really hope for a good weekend result, it's much needed right now. 

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