Chapter eight

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Valerias sight

At home I park my car and when I enter the house I quickly take a look at my watch just to see, that it's definitely way too late to talk to my mum now. I decide to talk to her tomorrow morning and go upstairs to my flat. I know, I won't be able to sleep now. So I make myself a tea and take my headphones from my sideboard. I sit down at my little reading space in my living room and put on my favourite playlist before I start to read. Normally I'm in a complete other world when I read but today I really am not able to concentrate properly. All the time my thoughts go back to the beautiful evening with Lando and how easily the conversation was going but also how the evening ended with me being all stupid and awkward when he hugged me. I don't know why I reacted that way because he never gave me a sign to act that way. As I sit here, I regret that I didn't ask for his number when I had the chance, maybe I won't see him again now. I laugh at my silly self, we live in the same town and I also wanted to bring the pictures to their headquarters personally, so I would probably see him there again. I give up reading when my favourite song starts and I completely forget about my book but immediately start thinking about my real family somewhere out there and Lando gets in my thoughts as well. I really don't know where this comes from now I haven't had this thoughts for years now and I can't imagine a situation which could have triggered them to come back into my mind. If only I could remember my family, so I could notice them when we someday maybe pass each other. 

I got in bed right after I thought about my family but I still laid there for a long time till I finally fell asleep. My alarm is ringing and I sigh and get up. Only two days left till I can finally go on my holiday. Today is the last day with shootings and tomorrow I'm having a day at the office. I quickly get ready and get down to my mum to have a quick breakfast with her. „Mum are you here?" I ask when I enter their flat. „Yes darling in the kitchen. Breakfast is ready." I go to the kitchen and greet my mum. We sit down and start eating. „What are you doing today? Still that many shoots?" „No only two today. One big in London and a smaller one in Hayes. The last two shootings before my holiday." „That sounds awesome. You really need that holiday. I noticed that you were really exhausted the last weeks and only existed." „Yeah I agree. I really need the holiday but mum you know that I work hard and mostly before my holidays." „Yes, I know but still. What are you going to do then in your free time?" „Actually, I'm going to completely leave the work behind and run away." I say dead serious and look at my mum. „Very funny girl but you can't fool me. I assume you will do some work?" „Yes I still have the pictures from the last big shoot here and then a few small ones. I just need to get it done, to be relaxed so I can enjoy my holiday ." „And after that? What do you have in mind?" „I'll probably go to Bristol for some new pictures for the calendar and then I have a flight booked, for the second week, to go to Barcelona. Don't tell dad, I won't be watching the race with him. He will be mad about it." „Interesting. What's the theme of the calendar?" she asks. „And then Spain? Hope you can enjoy it, but please be careful. Your dad will notice the moment you aren't here when training starts friday. Probably already Tuesday, but I won't tell him." My mum says and we smile at each other. My dad really is very sensitive with me. He would probably do everything for me, my mum always says.

After we finish breakfast I pack my things and drive to my office. When I arrive Lily is already standing in front of the shop. „Hey, all good?" I say laughing when I get out of my car. „Morning, yeah why not? It's a beautiful day. Lots of organisational matters today." „That's right, we should get started." I unlock the door and we get in. We still have some calls to do today and also the windows need a new fresh look. Winter is going and spring is coming. „Lily, I won't be here for long. As you know I have two more shoots today and I also need to pick up some things from the craft shop. You will be alone for one more day. After the vacation I'll be here more often so I can show you some more things and get in the job a lot more." „Yeah, all good. No problem, I can't wait to learn from you." We get the spring decoration from the back of the shop and I tell Lily some guidelines for the new look for the windows. After that I check the calendar and get the stuff I will need. I put it all in my trunk and make my way to London.

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