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All I remember is a flash of light, then darkness. It started when I snuck into a lab at my community college...on October 7, 2021.

Here's what happened:

I'm majoring in biology at my local community college, so naturally, I was curious to see what was in the "Time Travel Beta Laboratory"..at least that's what the nerds called it. I decided that night to sneak into the lab. To make a long story short, I remember successfully entering the lab and walking to a big machine. The next thing I know, I panicked as I heard two security guards and in an effort to sneak away, I accidentally pressed a button.

In a flash, I was gone. That's where I found myself in a place called Hawkins, Indiana.


"Miss?.." I heard voices, faintly .. and felt someone supporting my head. "Someone call security and the medics." I heard someone else say. Before I lost consciousness again, I saw some guy around my age..he was supporting my head. He had flowing locks of brown hair and was wearing some nautical uniform. I could barely read what the hat said, but before I lost consciousness again, I do remember seeing the word "Ahoy".

Two minutes later, I woke up in some office in what I vaguely remembered was a mall. I could hear children laughing..some small children screaming, and some music. I looked around and saw the medics taking my vitals and making comments about what I was wearing...a lanyard around my neck holding my mask, a crop top that mentioned my favorite singer, Britney Spears...high waisted shorts, and high top sneakers. "You've got quite a bump on your noggin, but your vitals are fine." A medic said. "Thank you." I said. "I found your ID..here it says that you were not born in this era. What happened?" A security guard asked me. I was baffled, but I took a deep breath and explained everything. "We're gonna have to take you to the hospital." The same paramedic said. "I'm telling the truth. Something happened in my time and now I'm here. Obviously, I pressed some button by accident.." as I continued explaining everything, I saw the same guy and a couple others standing on the other side of the door through the window. "..where exactly am I?" I asked. The door opened and a boy with curly hair spoke up despite his friends' pleas not to interrupt, "You're in Starcourt Mall in a small town called Hawkins. You're in the year 1985." I was taken aback.. "Star..what? 1985? W-wow." I chuckled. "Yeah. Starcourt Mall! I'm Dustin. This right here is Steve, Mike.." as he introduced himself and his friends and I introduced myself back, I locked eyes with Steve. I gave a shy smile and he smiled back. "Don't you kids have something better to do?" The same guard asked Dustin. "Yeah..showing our new friend around." Dustin replied. I chuckled. After I was given the all clear to go, I gathered my stuff and joined Dustin, Steve, and their crew. They helped me figure out everything quickly..how their technology worked and how I could buy stuff. After some shopping, we went to Scoops Ahoy! to talk over everything. As I ate my peppermint stick ice cream, Steve slid over next to me..giving some leeway, and said, "So..2021? What's that like?" I noticed everyone in our group was waiting in suspense. I gave a brief summary, and why I wore the mask lanyard around my neck..which I later stowed in my bag as we talked. "That sounds like scary shit." Mike said. "Yeah.. I don't recommend." I replied, then chuckling. "Is it as scary as the Upside Down?" I heard someone ask. I looked and saw a girl with brunette hair sit down next to Mike. "Hey El." Mike said. "What's the Upside Down?" I hesitantly asked the girl, who I was introduced to later as Eleven..or El. Eleven explained what it was and I replied, "N..no. It definitely isn't scarier than the Upside Down." I thought of something..and it dawned on me...

"Maybe that's why I'm here".

From The Future(A Stranger Things fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now