Return Of The Demogorgon

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As we sat and waited, we went over the plan several times. Three hours later, Will said, "It's here." Steve and I looked at each other and nodded. We took our positions ..we stood on either side of the front porch..and waited. All of a sudden, the lights started flickering and nervous sweat trickled down my face. My heart started beating seriously fast, as if it was 200 beats per minute. "Breathe, Neveah. Deep breaths." Steve told me. I nodded and took a few deep breaths as the demogorgon drew near. Then, it hit..right beside us. Steve and I began attacking and yelling and the others joined right away. As we fought it, it bit me. I didn't realize I that I was bitten until El pointed it out. She and Steve then quickly led me away from it yo the other side of the house. El used her telekinesis to keep the demogorgon away and called out, "Will! Get the first aid kit!" "Alright!" He yelled back. As we waited, Steve took off his jacket and put pressure on the wound. "I need to fight that damn thing. I can't let the kids..or you..fight it alone." I told Steve. I tried to stand up, but both Steve and the pain radiating from my neck to my shoulder kept me down. "Don't move. We got it.. and the kids know what they're doing. I'll stay with you until this is over, okay?" He told me. I nodded and he called out to Robin on the walkie talkie, "Robin, we need you guys. Get Joyce and Hopper!" "What's going on?" Robin said. "The demogorgon is back. We're under attack and Neveah's bit her." Steve replied. "We're on our way." Robin said. Will arrived with the first aid kit and handed it to Steve. Then, he and El joined back with the others to fight. Right as Steve started treating me, we heard a car door slam. "We're here!" Joyce called out. "Over here!" Steve and I yelled. All of a sudden, I started going in and out of consciousness. "Neveah! Stay with us, sweetheart!" Joyce said. In the bouts of going in and out of consciousness, I felt myself being lifted and rushed to a car. "We'll meet you at the hospital." Joyce told Steve. I briefly lost consciousness after that.

"Neveah! ...Neveah!! Can you hear me?" Steve yelled, trying to keep me awake. "Wh-where's everyone?" I muttered. "Joyce, Hopper, and Will are going to meet us at the hospital." He replied. "K-kids, the kids." I muttered. "Dustin just called over the walkie talkie. They beat the demogorgon. They're okay. They're going to meet us there too." He replied. I nodded, then blacked out again. I woke up two hours later in the hospital, monitors and IVs everywhere. I looked around for Steve..for anyone, but I soon found out that I was in an isolation room. I started panicking. "Neveah..breathe. This will be over soon." Steve said. I looked over and he was in a hazmat suit. I looked around and saw doctors and nurses in hazmat suits too. "What the hell is happening?" I asked between panicked breaths. Steve looked at me, then the window where the Byers' and Hopper were standing. "I can't be in here long, but just breathe. Let the doctors do what they have to do," Steve told me...then after taking a deep breath, said.."you have the same thing that Will had.. but it's not as severe." Thinking back to when Will told me what happened to him, I realized that I was in deep shit. "Oh my god." I said under my breath. "Nev, stay strong, okay?" Steve told me. "Okay...I love you." I replied, squeezing his gloved hand. "I love you too. So much." He replied, squeezing my hand back before he was escorted out. Over the intercom, I heard Will tell me, "Don't let the Mind Flayer overtake you! Fight!" I nodded, then it all began.

Twelve, nearing seemingly eternity...hours of excruciating pain, testing, and failed extractions of the odd venom later, nothing changed. Luckily, I had a walkie talkie and eight packs of batteries for it to keep in touch with everyone. "Neveah! It's Will. Do you copy? I'm here with the gang." "Hey Will. I copy..hey everyone." I replied. "How are you holding up?" Mike said. "I'm exhausted.. and hurting, but fighting. How are you kiddos doing?" I replied. "We're good. Thinking about ya." The Sinclair siblings said. "Awww! Thanks, you guys." I told them. "You're welcome." Erica said. "We miss you here at Scoops Ahoy, dingus. Heal up soon!" Robin said. I laughed and told her, "I miss you guys too, Robin. I'm doing my best." I heard the door open and told everyone, "Okay, guys. I gotta sign off. The doctors are here." After we all said our "Catch ya later"s, another painful attempt to stop the Mind Flayer from spreading and extracting it ensued.

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