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"What do you mean?" Eleven said. I replied, "Maybe that button of the time machine in 2021 that I accidentally pressed..maybe that machine itself was connected to here somehow. I have no idea how any of this works. My god.. I was only in community college to study biology.." as I ramped up into an anxiety attack, Steve gently placed his hand on my shoulder and told me ....after asking what my name was..."Neveah..deep breaths, okay? Deep breaths. We'll figure this out." I nodded and took some deep breaths. After I settled down, El asked me, "Who is Britney Spears?" I told her and everyone who is and about how Britney Spears was going to change the world. They all seemed impressed. "By the way...I'm a huge fan of this era's music." I told everyone, winking. They liked that.

Later on, El told me that I was going to stay with her and a woman named Joyce for the time being. As I was laying in bed that night, I kept wondering how I ended up here when the machine wasn't set for a specific place or time. I fell asleep going over everything in my mind. The next morning, I woke up to a light tapping on my door. "Neveah? It's Joyce. Breakfast is ready.. and the boys are here." Joyce said. I got up and dressed, then I met up with El, Steve, Dustin, and Mike in the kitchen. As we ate, I spotted a giant dry-erase board on an easel in a corner of the room and some dry-erase markers on the counter. After we ate, we talked over everything again and I stood up and walked to the board. I drew and wrote everything I could remember in chart form, from sneaking in to the time machine blip. "Now, I don't remember seeing anything that mentioned Hawkins, Indiana in the year 1985, but if I did promptly see it during the blip, it was too late. I don't know if this makes any sense, but I definitely learned my lesson to not be a snoopy moron." I said. "That makes perfect sense." Steve said. "Yeah! And it's so cool that we have an actual time traveler right here!" Dustin said. We all laughed and I replied, "I don't know about that...maybe an accidental time traveler."

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