Having Some Fun...and A Scare

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That day, we went back to the mall after a brief inspection of where I landed..obviously, we saw nothing, but that didn't stop a few quips and jokes about it. Steve had to work that day at Scoops, but that didn't stop the rest of us from shopping and screwing around. We pulled pranks on mall rats and security guards and took Glamour Shots. By we, I mean..me, Eleven, Mike, Dustin, and a couple of other kids..Suzie, Erica, Lucas, and Max. Later that day, we met up with Steve after getting lunch from Subway.

That evening as El, Mike, Dustin, Suzie, and I were watching NeverEnding Story, the phone rang and El answered it. Mike paused the movie and El said, "Neveah, it's for you." I got up and walked to the phone. "Thank you." I told El. She smiled and said, "You're welcome." I answered the phone and my heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach. "Who are you?" I demanded. "I know who you are," a grizzly voice said, "..and I know how you got here." "No shit, Sherlock..but you don't know why I'm here. Who the hell are you?" I demanded again. Whoever was on the line hung up, and I hung up as well. I stood there, frozen. "Neveah? What's wrong? Who was that?" Suzie said. I slowly turned around, trying to keep my composure. "Some man.. I don't know who he is. He never said his name..or gave any information." I said. I sat back down and slowly ate the rest of my popcorn as Mike put the movie back on.

The middle of the night the same night, I heard someone bang on my window. I shot up out of my bed and grabbed a baseball bat. I turned on the lamp as the knocking and banging continued. "Wh-who is it?" I demanded, peering out of the blinds. I then grabbed a flashlight to see who it was, but as I went to peer out of the blinds again, a fist burst through the window and I screamed loud enough to wake the dead. "Who the hell are you!" I yelled, gripping the baseball bat tighter, backing away. The same voice from the phone said, "Your worst nightmare." "Enough with the clichés, I'm going to ask you one more time. Wh-" before I could finish that sentence, the person burst into my room, grabbed the bat from me, and held it against my neck, pinning me to the wall. I caught a brief glimpse of him before Joyce and El burst through my door. He was bulky, hairy, and had one eye. The other eye was covered by an eyepatch, and had three scars starting at the forehead and ending by the nose. I mustered the strength to push him off of me. As I was coughing and catching my breath, El knocked the guy out using her telekinesis while Joyce called the police. After police took the guy away, I realized something else. "Neveah? Are you alright?" Joyce asked. "Y-yeah.. I think I saw that guy before. He's one of the mall security guards." I replied.

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