Defeating My Clone

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I ended up waking up at 6:00 and hobbled on my crutches to the kitchen. Luckily, Joyce had already made coffee and breakfast. "Good morning, sunshine." She said. "Good morning." I replied, giving a sleepy smile. I sat down and propped my leg up and set the crutches beside me and Joyce set a plate of waffles and scrambled eggs, then a cup of coffee with cream and sugar beside it. "Thank you." I said. "You're welcome, sweetheart. Here's the syrup." She replied. Just as I began pouring some syrup on my waffles, preparing my coffee, and eating my breakfast, there was a knock on the door. Joyce answered it. I looked and saw Billy and Max walking into the kitchen. I sipped my coffee then wiped my mouth with a napkin. "Hey, guys. What's going on?" I said. "Your clone is still alive..barely. Hopper and the FBI are looking for her." Max said. I nearly choked on my breakfast. After I composed myself and sipped some more coffee, I wiped my mouth with the napkin again and slowly stood up with the help of my crutches. After I thanked Joyce, I replied, "The FBI?! Shit, I gotta get ready. But..why's the FBI involved?" "The mad scientist is a fugitive. Apparently, he's been conducting illegal experiments in your time.. and now your clone is one of them. If she dies, nothing will happen to you." Billy said. The door opened and Steve said, "He's right." I looked at all three of them and said, "Alright."

After I got ready for yet another battle, I slowly hobbled down the stairs again. Then, we left, Joyce and El following us.

A few minutes later, we met up with Hopper and the FBI. I looked around and saw my clone in some kind of cage, trying to break out. "If they already caught her, then what the hell are we doing here?" I said. "They must be playing some kind of sick game." Steve replied. I nodded. "What's happening?" We heard Eleven say. We looked and saw her and Joyce standing beside us. "I don't know." I replied. Then, something happened. We watched in horror as my clone broke out and started attacking everyone, and as bullets hit her, I felt them. "Neveah? Is it your leg?" Eleven asked. I shook my head and told her, "I can feel the bullets. What if Billy's wrong? What if I die with her?" I screamed in pain and collapsed as I felt every single bullet that my clone felt. Eleven lifted her and tossed her away from the gunfire. "What the hell?!" Hopper yelled. "Stop shooting!" Steve yelled. The gunfire ceased and I could breathe easily again. All of a sudden, "evil twin" yanked me up and began clawing at me. I used my strength to knock her off of me and slowly stood up on my uninjured leg. As we fought, I told her, "Tell that son of a bitch who made you to let me go. Go back to your time and I'll stay in 1985." She growled, "No!" Then, knocked and pinned me to the ground. Just as my strength returned, she ripped my cast off and began crushing my leg. I let out a scream so loud that it could wake an entire cemetery. I gritted my teeth as I tried to get her off of me. Then, I finally knocked her unconscious. All the strength I had in that moment was completely gone, but I knew I somehow defeated her. "Neveah! Are you alright?!" I heard Hopper call out. "Don't worry about me right now! We gotta get my evil twin here back to 2021!" I replied. "Already on it! We found the portal!" Mike said.

With Steve and Hopper's help, I stood up, regaining my strength a little. My leg was in excruciating pain, but I ignored it for the time being. After Billy sent my evil twin back through the portal and Eleven closed it, I passed out in Steve and Hopper's arms.

When I woke up, I was in an ambulance, Steve sitting right beside me. He held my hand and said, "Hang in there, sweetheart." I nodded.

Two hours later, I was back home. My leg had to be recasted and I was extremely exhausted, but Steve stayed the night. We fell asleep watching movies again.

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