Embracing and Defending

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As I learned and grew my power more, I knew that I obviously had to use it to defend myself, Steve, and our friends. Most importantly, I learned how to embrace it.

One particular day, when Steve and I were just sitting on a bench in the park, talking and joking around, I saw Billy and a couple other guys walking toward us. I reached for my pager to page Max, "Emergency. Billy again.".. and just after I paged Max, the pager was smacked out of my hand. I looked and saw that Billy was standing over me. Out of my peripheral vision, I saw Steve standing up and behind me in a defensive position. "What the hell do you guys want?" I told Billy. "I want a rematch, and you better not pull that trick again." He said as he blew the smoke of his cigarette in my face. "Why not? Are you scared?" I replied, standing up and beside Steve. I looked at the guys that Billy was with, they looked as tough as he did. I paid no mind to it, though.

We stood there for what seemed like an eternity, until one of Billy's goons threw the first punch at Steve and all hell broke loose. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Steve about to get knocked unconscious by said goon. "Steve!" I yelled as I ran as fast as I could to stop him from getting knocked unconscious. I dove in front of him just in time, but I had a few ribs broken from the goon's punch. Steve knocked him unconscious as I tried to catch my breath. None of us had time to react when Billy and the other goon attacked us. Billy reached for his cigarette and held it to my neck. "Don't you goddamn do it!" I said through clenched teeth. "Too late." He replied, smirking. I yelled in pain as I felt him put out his cigarette on my neck. I felt my power grow quickly and stood up, grabbing him by the shoulders as my strength returned. I swung him around twice, then let go. I saw him hit the ground two yards away from me. I went back to help Steve, only to find him semi-conscious on the ground. The goon was unconscious, however. "Neveah! Are you guys okay?!" I heard Max call out. I knelt down next to Steve, in a daze. "Steve? Can you hear me?" I said. I felt my strength going back to normal, but at the same time.. I felt that it was gone. The pain in my ribs brought me back to it. "Neveah?" Steve whispered. He started to wake up. "Are you alright?" I asked him. "I think I have a concussion, and my shoulder hurts really bad. It could be dislocated." He replied. I nodded. "One of the goons broke my ribs and Billy burned me with his damn cigarette." I said. "Neveah! Steve! Hey! Hop is on his way with Joyce." Max said. I turned and looked at her, then smiled and nodded. "Where's Billy?" She said. I pointed to where I threw him. She ran to him and scolded him once he woke up. I heard a siren, then saw Hop and Joyce getting out of the car and running toward us, then they knelt beside each of us. Steve, groaning in pain and clenching his teeth, sat up with Hop's help. "Steve, on the count of three, I'm going to put your shoulder back in socket." Hop said. Steve nodded and before Hop got to three...and as Steve yelled in pain..he popped Steve's shoulder back in socket. Joyce and I sat there with our mouths open in shock.  Then, Steve..catching his breath, thanked Hopper and we each were helped up. Max walked over with Billy. Once the goons woke up, they and Billy were quickly escorted to the car by Hopper and taken to the police station. Then, Jonathan and Nancy pulled up and after Steve, me, Joyce, and Max climbed in, we headed to the hospital.

After Steve and I were evaluated, treated, and discharged, we all went straight home to rest.

From The Future(A Stranger Things fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz