Babes Ahoy!

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Two months later..

I was enjoying a hot fudge sundae in the break room and talking about the babies and other stuff with the crew when I felt a slight contraction. I ignored it and kept eating my sundae, but then there were two more, stronger contractions and I stopped eating. I wiped my mouth with a napkin, sipped some water, and got up to move around. "Nev? Are you alright?" Robin asked. "Yeah, I just need to move around a little." I replied. The bell rang and I waddled out, Steve following behind me. Max stood at the counter. "Hey Max! What can I get for ya?" I said, trying to breathe through another contraction. "First, just a scoop of mint chocolate chip on a cone. Second, are you okay?" She replied. I denied that I was going into labor and nodded, then my water broke. "Oh shit.." I gasped out. Robin and Dustin took over while Steve took me back to the break room. "I know I didn't have to come in today, but with all the nesting and shit I did, I still felt up to do something." I said between pained breaths. "Breathe, sweetheart. I'll stay here with you and I'll get Robin to call Joyce, okay? It's okay." Steve assured me. "On it!" Robin yelled. Steve and I did the Lamaze stuff as we waited for Joyce.

Two agonizing minutes later, Joyce arrived and Robin closed down the store early. We knew there was no time to go to the car and drive to the hospital, so Joyce and Robin got some hot water and all that jazz. "Okay, Neveah. Breathe, slow deep breaths." Joyce told me. I nodded as the pain grew more intense by the minute. "It's too late for pain meds, right?" I said, giving a pained chuckle. Then, it was time.

Dustin and Erica already had gone home.

Three hours later....

"How much longer?!" I cried out. "Baby A is almost out! I see the head! Keep pushing!" Joyce said. I squeezed Steve's hand so hard that he screamed as I screamed. "Why are you screaming?" I said, giving another pained chuckle. "You squeezed my hand so damn hard!" He said, chuckling too. "Sorry, bAAAAAAAAAAAAbe!" I cried out as I gave another hard push. Next thing I knew, I had a baby placed in my arms, it was our boy!

After taking a few brief breaths, it was time to deliver our girl. Robin had already called an ambulance right after Ethan was born. Steve held him with one hand and held my hand with the other.

Two more hours later...

"I can't do this anymore!" I sobbed as I laid back. "Yes you can, sweetheart. You're the strongest woman I know. I know that sounds really cliché, but it's the truth." Steve told me. I nodded and Robin propped me back up. "You got this, sis!" Robin told me. I nodded and began pushing again.

Another half hour later, Angela was born! There was a knock on the storefront door and a "It's the paramedics!".

That evening as the twins and I were recovering at the hospital, Steve and I thought of something else. "We need little ice cream onesies for the twins." I said. "I agree, they'd look so adorable in them!" He replied. We'd have his mother make them.

And she did!

The next day when we got home, Steve's parents, Joyce, Hopper, and everyone greeted us. We saw two purple onesies with felt ice cream cones sewed on and matching hats being held by his mother. "Oh my god! Look at how cute!" I said, beaming. After we got ourselves and the twins out of the car, we were gently hugged by his parents and Joyce. Once we were all settled in, we had everyone, including the kids, wash their hands to hold the babies. "No kissing them." I reminded everyone.

After pictures were taken and food was eaten, Steve's parents and every guest except El, Jonathan, and Will..went back home.

The next week after recovery time, we left the twins in Hopper and Joyce's care since we had to go back to work. Well, Steve worked the entire time and I recovered. Nonetheless, we knew they were in great hands. We hung up a picture of the babies on the bulletin board where everyone could see..with a sign under it saying, "Welcome to Babes Ahoy!". Everyone got a laugh out of that.

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