Back to Work and more

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Two weeks later, after we recovered, Steve and I went back to work. We felt bad for Robin, though. But, she had Dustin help her temporarily while we were out. We made up for it by giving out free samples with every sundae purchase! Everyone loved it, especially Erica. She came in almost every day while the promotion was still going on. We eventually had to stop when interest in free samples with sundaes dwindled, but business kept moving along with a ton of mall-rats and jazzercise groups coming in.

One day, while Robin, Steve, and I were sitting and goofing around in the break room, the bell rang. I looked and saw Billy and his goons standing there. Then, I heard Max yelling after them and running.. and a few others running too. "Oh shit. Billy and his goons are here." I said. I looked at Steve and Robin and asked, "What do we do? Hell, what should we do?" I stood there, frozen in fear for a second. Then, I composed myself and opened the window. "What the hell do you guys want now?" I told Billy. Max nudged Billy and told him, "Apologize. Now." I looked and saw Hopper and a couple other officers standing there too. I took a deep breath and waited for the apology. "I'm sorry. We're..sorry." Billy told me. Devin and Tarren, the goons..apologized too. I smiled a little and asked them, "Are your apologies sincere? I just want to make sure you guys are not bullshitting me." "Yes." All three replied. I looked at Hopper, exchanged chuckles, and then said, "Alright. You guys promise to not fight us or anyone again? I'll make sure Hopper keeps all three of you in check." I looked at Steve and winked, then back at Billy, Devin, and Tarren. "We promise. No more bullshitting." Devin said. "Good," I said..then, I looked at Hopper, Max, and the officers, "help us keep them in check, yeah?" They nodded and Hopper told me, "You got a deal, kid." I then motioned for Steve and Robin as I walked out to the front. "Who wants ice cream? Peace treaty." Steve said. We laughed and they agreed to ice cream.

After the whole making-up thing, everyone in that crew left except for Hopper. Steve talked with him a bit, then Hop left. I asked him, "What was that about? Is everything okay?" He looked at me, took a deep breath and with a little smile of assurance said, "Yeah. Yeah, everything is okay." Then, he pulled me close and held me. "Is there something you're not telling me?" I told him. "You got me," he replied..both of us snickering, "Yeah. Hop said that there's something going on behind the police station. There's some kind of portal, but it.." He abruptly stopped talking. I looked up at him and gently placed  a hand on his cheek, tears were rolling down his face. "Steve, what's wrong?" I whispered. "It's a portal that will take you back to 2021. He told me that someone was coming for you." He replied. "W-we can fight this, right? I can get Dustin and Erica to get the doctor to make more of that potion or whatever that was. It worked, didn't it? And I have powers now. I..I'll stay. I can stay..we can fight, right?" I said. Steve had this defeated look on his face. "Maybe El can close the portal? Steve, we have to do something. I can't go back." I said. "We can try." He replied. I leaned my head on his chest and we held each other.

That night, I called the whole gang to Joyce's house to discuss a plan after I informed them via walkie talkie. As everyone talked amongst themselves and came up with said plan, I felt extremely lightheaded. I walked to the kitchen to get some water and sit down. Steve, Hopper, El, Will, and Joyce followed me. As I sat down and sipped my glass of water, I felt as if I was going to faint. I sensed something as well..someone else who worked at the community college lab was going to try to force me back to 2021, and I recognized them. That person was the head scientist, he built that time machine. It all came back to me at once and all went black.

From The Future(A Stranger Things fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now