Fighting My Clone

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We all just stood there, taking in what had just happened. "Oh my god...", I said, realizing the worst possible thing ever, yet irrational, "..what if he clones me?" I kept going over "what ifs" out loud and Steve gently placed his hands on my shoulders. "Neveah. Breathe. Look at me." He said. I stopped and looked at him. We gazed into each other's eyes for a while, then he told me, "Whatever that mad scientist bastard might do, we're all here." I looked around at everyone, then back at him and nodded. All of a sudden, there was a beam of light then a rustling in some bushes. "How cliché is that?" I said, chuckling a little. "Guys! Run!" Dustin yelled. I looked in time to see a slightly different version of me, but more monster-looking, running toward us. Steve gripped my wrist and we ran to the car. Just as we all got in our cars and sped the hell out of there, my "evil twin" suddenly hopped on top of Steve's car! We screamed and tried getting her off of the roof by speeding faster, it eventually worked. "You guys are going way too fast.. and Neveah's evil twin just crashed into my car," Billy said through the walkie talkie, "slow the hell down!" "Sorry, Billy! Are you guys okay?" I replied. "Yeah, but I think your clone may be dead. We're still driving." He said. "Where's the clone now?" Steve said. "On the side of the road. What should we do?" Billy said. "Keep dri-", I started saying right as we stopped on the dot. "Everybody stop your vehicles!" I said. They did, and questions started flying. "I don't know. Keep your cars locked and keep quiet." I said. I unbuckled my seatbelt and told Steve, "Stay here, lock the car." He told me to be careful. I nodded. Billy, Max, Jonathan and El decided to come with me. Just as I suspected, my clone came back to life. However, we didn't know where exactly she was, but my gut told me to follow her voice into the woods. "Neveah..are you absolutely sure about this?" Jonathan said. "Yes, I'm sure." I replied as we slowly crept on.

Five minutes later, as we walked and searched, she found us. El lifted her and threw her as far away from us as she could. "Run!" I yelled. We started running back to the cars. But just before we got to them, I tripped over a branch and heard a snap in my right leg. I yelled in pain as I fell, but Billy and Jonathan helped me back up and carried me back to Steve's car as quickly as they could. "Are Max and El back in their cars?" I asked Jonathan. "Yes." He replied. Billy knocked on the passenger side window of Steve's car and Steve unlocked it. "What happened?" Steve said. "I tripped over a branch and possibly broke my leg." I replied, trying to ignore the pain. After Jonathan and Billy got back into their cars, we immediately drove to the hospital.

All that was on my mind while my leg was being x-rayed, set, and casted was ..if my clone was still alive, how could we possibly kill her without killing me in the process?

That night, I couldn't sleep at all.

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