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The next day, everything seemed like it was back to normal. Work, hanging out with the gang, alone time with Steve...and we even met up with Robin and Tammy later for the double date we never got to have due to the demogorgon and shit.

For the double date, the four of us hit the arcade first, then we had dinner and shopped in "downtown" Hawkins. After that, we headed to the mall to watch a movie. While Steve and I were talking and joking on the way there, I got an overwhelming feeling of dread.. but I shook it off. It wasn't until we were in the movie theater halfway through the movie that I began to have another panic attack and excused myself to the bathroom. Right after I stepped into the bathroom, I went to the sink and splashed cold water on my face. Then, I turned off the sink, dried my face, and sat against the wall on the floor. Another attack hit and I did my best to breathe slowly and calmly. I heard the door open and Robin say, "Neveah? You okay, kid?" I looked up and saw her standing there. ", I'm not." I replied, holding back tears. I invited her to sit and she sat next to me. Taking a deep breath, I said, "The demogorgon..the bite.. I can't stop thinking about it even though I'm trying my best to not to think about it. I keep thinking what if that bite took me and I never saw any of you again?" I took another deep breath then said, "I know now that I wouldn't have died anyway because of those special concoctions that Dustin and Erica whipped up, but dammit! Dammit.. I was close to dying. At least it felt like it." I broke down crying and Robin wrapped her arms around my shoulders and I leaned on her shoulder as I sobbed. "I was worried about you..when Steve called us over the walkie and told us that Joyce and Hopper were there, I knew something happened to one of you. When I saw him carrying you out to his car, I thought.."She's the sister that I've never had.".. and that's how I think of you. You're family to me." She said. I wiped my tears and replied, "You're the sister I've never had either." We hugged and then I stood up and splashed my face again and dried it. After that, we went back to the theater.

Later that night, Steve and I were just sitting and talking on the couch at his house. We talked until we fell asleep.  As I was sleeping, nightmares of what could have happened hit.  I couldn't wake up from them because I was so petrified. I must have waken up Steve because I was screaming, "No!" over and over again. "Neveah! Hey..wake up!" I heard him say. I felt him trying to nudge me awake. "Neveah! It's just a nightmare. Wake up." He said. I eventually startled myself awake. "I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry." I said as I embraced him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. "It's okay, sweetheart. Tell me about it, I'm all ears." He assured me. I told him about the nightmares and about what I told Robin. After that, he assured and hugged me again. Then, he made us each a hot chocolate and watched The Goonies as we sipped our hot chocolates. We were halfway through the movie and had already finished our drinks when we turned off the TV and fell asleep.

The next few days were better days, thankfully.

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