Day With Steve...and A Paparazzi Run-In

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Days passed, but my so-called 15 minutes of fame didn't. Interviews, pictures, cameos on TV shows, and first, I liked it, but now it seemed ad nauseaum. One day, me and Steve snuck away to a quiet spot in town for a picnic, then we went to a private showing of a rerun of Pretty In Pink. After that, we had dinner at the Sinclair's house..per the kids' invitation.

After the lovely day, we ended up laying on the windshield of his car, gazing at the stars and talking about our interests and lives. We had so much in common, and that came to light when a meteorite flew by. "That's so cool." I said. "It is..definitely is, but I'm looking at someone even cooler." He replied. We looked at each other and smiled, then he kissed my forehead.. and we held hands. After we stargazed some more, he drove me home.

We almost didn't make it...

Somehow, some townsfolk paparazzi popped straight in front of us and Steve brought the car to a screeching halt. Before I could even react, one of them opened the door and unbuckled my seat belt. "What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled. "Trying to get an interview." The moron said. "I've had enough with interviews. Let me go." I said, trying to break free of their grip. "Not until you tell me why you got my friend in jail...the security guard? He knows." They said. I managed to step on the person's foot and elbow their face and break free. Steve was trying to get the other morons to back off, but one of them socked him in the face and knocked him unconscious. I quickly ran to get him up and to the passenger side, then I quickly ran back to the driver's side and locked the doors. Before I could drive off, though..the same moron punched through the glass and hit my cheek, fracturing part of the cheekbone. I sped off, driving towards Joyce's house. I had a full blown anxiety attack just as I pulled into the driveway. I managed to calm myself down enough to say, "Steve? Can you hear me? We're home." Just as I said that, Joyce and El ran out of the house and Steve began to wake up. They helped us inside and began treating us. As soon as he woke up, Steve asked me, "Are you alright?" I shook my head and said, "No..". He held my hand and replied, "Those morons will go away, we'll all make sure of it." I nodded, then closed my eyes.

I was beyond exhausted.

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