An Ice Cream Proposal

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Six weeks later, my cast was off and I only wore a brace. Steve and I worked 12 hours a day to make up for the time lost. One day in particular as we set up promotional displays, Steve told me, "You know...we've been together for about four months now, right?" I smiled and replied, "Yes." He smiled and as I turned to fix part of a display, he lightly touched my wrist and I turned. I laughed in surprise, he was down on one knee holding a ring. "Neveah Alderman, will you marry me?" He simply said. Tears welled up in my eyes and I smiled, simply replying, "Yes. Yes, Steve Harrington, I'll marry you." He put the ring on my finger and we kissed, happy tears running down both of our faces. We didn't know there was an audience until we heard clapping and hooting. Robin, Dustin, Erica, and a lot of customers saw and heard. We laughed and wiped our tears and thanked everyone. "An ice cream proposal. That's another thing for the books." Robin said. We laughed, then we got back to work.

Steve and I broke the news to everyone else after work and we gathered at a restaurant in town to celebrate!

The next ten weeks were filled with wedding planning and honeymoon stuff. Steve and I decided that we wanted a simple wedding.

Wedding day finally arrived the following week!  Just as we wanted, it consisted of our friends and family, simple vows, and everything seemed normal. The wedding party wore black and white dresses and suits. The reception was at Steve's parents' house and everyone had a fun time! For the time being until we could find our own place, we stayed with Joyce, Will, and Eleven.

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