"I'm Staying!"

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I got the confirmation soon enough. Dustin, Erica, Robin, El, and Mike ran back into the store and said, "Marty and Rob are gone! You get to stay!" Steve and I looked at each other and beamed. "Are you serious? How?" I replied. "Marty did some kind of spell." El said. "He basically said something in some sort of tongue that went along the lines of you will stay here." Mike replied. "So, I'm not dying? Or fading?" I said, chuckling a little. "Nope. You're staying." Max said. We turned and saw her standing outside of the store. I burst into tears of joy, "I'm staying!" Steve and I embraced each other. I tried standing up with his help, but ended up passing out.

I woke up in a hospital bed two hours later, Steve sitting in a chair beside me, tears running down his face. "Hey..I'm okay. I'm staying, aren't I?" I assured him. He wiped the tears from his face and replied, "Yeah..but I thought I lost you back there." I held my hand out for his, and he held it. "You didn't, sweetheart. I'm still here. But I thought the same thing.. I thought I was gone until I woke up here. I didn't want to lose you and don't want to lose you either." I told him.

Another hour later, I was discharged and Steve drove me home.

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