"We Need To Stop This"

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I woke up on the kitchen floor thirty minutes later. The water glass that I was holding was broken on the floor, Steve and Hopper were on either side of me, Joyce and the others were standing there too. "I'm fine, you guys. Just another panic attack." I said. "You lie." Eleven told me. "Okay, fine. I'm sorry..I'm lying, it wasn't a panic attack," I replied as I sat up, "I got lightheaded and was about to faint when I sensed something." I explained everything. The room fell silent afterward. I looked at everyone, then burst into tears. "I don't want to lose you guys. All of you are my family..y'all have made me feel so welcome here," I took a minute to collect myself then said, "I need to stay here. Dustin, Erica..you two go see if the doctor can make any more of those syringes, okay?" They nodded. I looked at Eleven and asked her, "Do you think you can close the portal before it's too late?" "I can try. I'll need to see how fast it's growing." She replied. I looked at Max and asked her, "Do you think Billy and his goons can help us fight this mad scientist back into oblivion?" We both chuckled and she nodded. Steve and Hop helped me stand back up as I was still a tad woozy. "We need to stop this. I want to be here with you guys. Hell, I need to be here..I know I belong." I said.

About thirty more minutes later, the plan was set. We made our way to the police station, then walked to where the portal was. As I stood there, I realized the severity of the situation. Steve and I looked at each other, gripping each other's hand. Panic began to set in again as I saw the portal move and grow larger. Then, that head scientist began to come through the portal. Steve and I stepped back and called out, "Hopper!" I gripped Steve's wrist and we ran from the portal. I looked at Dustin and Erica and asked them, "Did you guys get in touch with the doctor?" "Yes, and he is on his way right now." I nodded. "Billy and his goons are here with me." Max said. "Good. Thank you guys." I replied. They nodded. I watched in fear as the scientist walked closer to me. I instantly recognized his face, "Dr. Ian Gosner? Get the hell out of here. I'm not going anywhere with you." I told him as my powers instantly began returning. I released my grip on Steve's wrist and stepped forward to face Dr. Gosner.

After the doctor with the syringes arrived and I took them every half hour, Gosner began berating me about how I betrayed him or some shit. "I barely know you, asshole." I shot back. He stepped forward after I took my last syringe. "With the help of those syringes, I get to stay. You, however, can't." I told him, then I threw the first punch. Gosner flew and landed about two feet from the portal. I whistled for Billy and his goons to attack and told them, "You guys better knock him into next week." They chuckled and Billy said, "Alright." As they did their thing, I turned and saw Eleven standing there. "I know what to do." She said. I smiled and nodded. "Please be careful." I told her. She nodded back, then got into position. Right before Billy knocked him out, Gosner ran toward and tackled me to the ground. Steve and Hopper tried intervening, but got knocked unconscious in the process. Gosner put one hand on my throat and the other on an empty syringe. I quickly knocked it out of his hand and him off of me. Then, I knocked him unconscious.. and Billy and the goons carried him to the portal and threw him in it. Eleven then began closing the portal.

Ten minutes later, the portal was closed. However, I had this gut feeling that this wasn't over yet. After Hopper and Steve had woken up prior to the portal closing, I saw a glimmer of something. I didn't figure out what it was until Steve pointed it out.

Gosner had taken an empty syringe.

From The Future(A Stranger Things fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن