Will's Vision

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This day was like any other day...Steve, Robin, and I worked at Scoops Ahoy, the kids did their school and after school stuff, and there was the usual banter. However, when I went back home that night, I sensed that something was off. "Hello?!," I called out, "Will? Jonathan? Joyce?..anyone?" "We're up here!" Will and Eleven said, I also heard Mike and Dustin. I met up with them in Will's room. "What's going on?" I said. Will and El were sitting on the floor across from each other, each had a blindfold over their eyes..I knew that something bad was going to happen. They asked each other from time to time what they saw. All of a sudden, they started panicking. "It's back...I don't know how the hell it is, but it's back." Will said between panicked breaths. "The demogorgon. It's coming back for one of us." El said. "Who is it coming for?" I asked, beginning to panic as well. They each took off their blindfolds and Will looked at me, fear in his eyes.. and said, "Y-you. It's coming for you."

I sat there..frozen, not knowing what to say. From what I heard about that creature, I knew it didn't end well for most people.. and for that, I was terrified. "What do we do?" I asked, hoping there would be a better outcome. "We prepare, wait, and attack. Just follow our leads." Dustin said. I nodded.

As I was trying to fall asleep that night, I kept wondering about how I was going to prepare...all I had was a knife. But, in my heart of hearts, I knew that I absolutely had to follow my team's lead. I was on edge like I had been before, and that feeling stuck with me the next day and the following days.

Right after work one night, Will's vision came true. Steve and I were on our way to meet up with Robin and her girlfriend, Tammy..for a double date, when the walkie talkie went off, "Guys! It's Dustin! Do you copy?" I answered, "We copy, Dustin. It's Nev, what's up?" Steve looked and me and said, chuckling, "Nev?" I nodded, laughed and said, "Just a code name." "The demogorgon is coming! I repeat! The demogorgon is coming!" Dustin said. "Where are you guys?" Steve said. "We're at the Byers'. We have everything and everyone." Dustin replied. "We're on our way." We both replied. I paged Robin three simple words, "Emergency. Dingus. Reply." We pulled over to use a pay phone to wait for Robin's reply. A minute later, the phone rang. I answered, "Robin? Yeah hey..it's Neveah. We have an emergency."  I explained what was going on and she said that they could take a rain check, then we hung up after exchanging sentiments. Then, me and Steve rushed to the Byers' house.

Right after we got out of the car, weapons in tow, Dustin met up with us and then we met up with the others.

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