Discovering an Unknown Power

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Weeks went by without any more Billy incidents, but one day while Steve and I were on break at work, he barged in. "Billy. What are you doing? You're not allowed back here." I told him. I heard Max call out after him. I stood up to get him to leave, pointing at the door when he grabbed my wrist and twisted it. I gritted my teeth as he began squeezing it to the point of it almost breaking. As I struggled to break free, some kind of supernatural thing came over me and I punched him in the gut with my free hand, sending him flying through the door and almost crashing into a barrier which separated each floor of the mall. As I held my wrist and was catching my breath, I saw mall security escort Billy out of the mall. "Are you alright? Let me look at your wrist." Steve said. I looked at him, then down at my wrist..which was already swollen and turning purple, and replied, "Y-yeah.. I'm fine. I don't know how that happened." "How what happened?" Robin said. I looked to see her and the paramedics standing there. "How I managed to punch Billy so hard that it sent him flying. Like, I'm clearly not that strong enough to have done that." I said. Steve then stepped aside from looking at my wrist to let the paramedics look at and tend to it. "It looks like it's fractured. We can take you to the hospital." One of them said. "It's boyfriend can take me." I assured them as they wrapped my wrist in a bandage. "Alright, kiddo." The other paramedic said. Robin told us that she'd take over while we were at the hospital just as the paramedics left.

An hour later, as we waited in the emergency room waiting room, I kept going over what happened in my head. How did I suddenly gain that power? Did some supernatural stuff happen when I had the Mind Flayer thing? I kept thinking it over as we were called back. A few minutes later, after vitals and x-rays, it turned out that my wrist was in fact fractured. I'd have to wear a cast for a few weeks, but that was nothing. After I was discharged and as we headed back to work, Steve and I came up with theories for how I got that superpower, but we stuck to one...while I was unconscious in the hospital getting treated for the Mind Flayer venom or what-have-you, some supernatural ability embedded itself in my mind. We shrugged and joked about it.

After we got back, we told Robin our theory and she was impressed. As for my wrist for the time being, I'd have to stick with the cash register while either she or Steve scooped ice cream.

A few weeks later, my wrist was healed and I worked on my supernatural ability more with Eleven giving me tips, such as how to use it efficiently and safely.

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