Saving Time and Me....and Battling

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I was on edge the remaining weeks...would I go first or would the moron so called security guard and his buddy go? Who knows if there were more of them? Those thoughts would continue to haunt me, and haunt me they did. As I was working and joking around with Steve and Robin, those fake security guards came waltzing in. "What the hell do you guys want? Aren't one of you supposed to be in the slammer?" I demanded. They laughed and Marty..the one that broke in, replied, "No, I didn't belong there.". I rolled my eyes and remarked, "Clearly, you do. Threaten my life and I'll threaten yours." I looked at Marty and his buddy straight in the eyes.. I could see no emotion, no remorse.. but that's not what made them monsters. They showed their true colors, figuratively...they flashed sharp, animal like teeth, scales, and red eyes. I cocked my head and asked them, "What the hell are you guys? And where did you come from?" "Where do you think? " Marty said. "Of course..the Upside Down. No shit." Steve replied. I looked at him, fear in my eyes about what was happening and was about to happen. "Steve, this is it.. I'm running out of time. They know." I told him.

We stood there for what seemed like an eternity. "What do you mean you're running out of time? And what do you mean that they know?" Steve said. I looked at him and replied, "They were at that lab. I don't know how..or why." Steve looked at me in confusion. I turned to Marty and said, "I want to stay here..I never want to go back to 2021. There's no way in hell I'm going back." Marty then hopped over the counter and got straight in my face. I motioned for Robin to shut the store down. She and Steve quickly cleaned everything up and shut the shutter door to the store and locked it. Steve then discreetly went to a phone outside of the store to call 911, then came back. "You guys are going to be surrounded by the cops, the FBI, everyone," I told Marty and his buddy..who I was then told that his name was Rob...and pointed to the front of the store, "unless you bastards want a problem, get out. We will be more than happy to lead you out of there or the back door." Marty stepped closer to me and put his hand to my neck. "You don't have the nerve to do anything, now don't you?" He remarked. "You'll see." I told him. The next thing I know, he shoved and pinned me to the ground. I immediately socked him hard in the throat, knocking the wind out of him.. and I quickly stood up and armed myself with a knife that I found on the floor. I heard sirens and megaphones. "They're here. It's too late for you, Marty." I told him. "If you kill me, you die too...unless you can find a way to stay here." He said. I gripped the knife tighter and looked at Steve, "Call Dustin..if he's home. Or page him if you guys have a pager. Tell him that he and Erica are needed with something....ask them how I can stay here. If they can whip up an invention or something." I told him. He nodded and told me before he and Robin left to do that, "Be careful, okay? I love you." "I love you too, Steve." I replied.

Several hours of this standoff later, Steve and Robin arrived with Dustin, Erica, Eleven, and Mike. "The police are outside and the mall is evacuated." El told me. I nodded and thanked her, then Marty made his first move and I slashed his eyepatch off. He grabbed it from me and held it to my chest. "Another move and we both die." He said. Eleven then used her telekinesis to throw him, then Rob out of the store. What none of us knew, the knife was lodged in my clavicle. Marty must have did that before he was thrown out. "You guys..." I uttered before I passed out.

"Neveah! Can you hear us?....We found something that will let you stay here!.." I woke up to the sharp pain in my clavicle and my friends' voices. "We carefully removed the knife and treated you while you were out." Eleven said. "Thank you." I said as I tried sitting up. "Woah woah woah! Not so fast." Steve said as he knelt down to help me slowly sit up, putting pressure on my clavicle and propped me up against the counter. He sat with me from then on while Dustin and Erica showed me their invention..some kind of medication in syringes. "Are you guys sure this will work?" I asked them. "Yes, just inject one of these in your arm. We got approval from the town doctor." Erica said. I looked at them, then at Steve, then back to them. "Okay...let's give one of these suckers a try." I said. Dustin handed me a wipe, then a syringe. "I suggest you inject it in your good arm." Dustin said. I chuckled and said, "Alright." Steve helped me lift the sleeve of my shirt, wipe my arm, then the moment of truth...injected it. I immediately felt a strong twinge and I yelled in pain. "Are you alright?" Steve said. I nodded. Dustin then set the tray of remaining syringes and wipes on the counter. "We're going to go check with everyone. You guys stay here." Dustin said. Steve and I nodded, then Dustin and Erica ran out of the store.

Hours, half-hours, and syringes passed, I felt like I could stay..I knew I could stay.

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