Chapter 1

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"Bro, she's gone." Jay dreadfully said to his friend Sunghoon. He can't believe that his two year relationship just ended in a blink. He wasn't prepared, and not even a bit of preparation could lessen the pain he feels right now.

Jay, Jake, and Sunghoon have been friends since childhood. So it doesn't necessarily came out as shocking that they will accompany Sunghoon's matters.

Setting aside the fact that they're childhood friends, they also knew the deceased 'Shania'. They were also friends or shall we say a close friends of Sunghoon's ex-lover.

"Bro, are you okay?" Jake couldn't help but to ask his friend even though he knew right away that Sunghoon is not okay and will never be okay in the coming days, months or nobody even knows when. Jake just wants to let Sunghoon feel, that they're with him in his darkest moments, and hoping that a single inquiry can make him feel better.

Sunghoon stayed silent. The words wouldn't come out in his mouth. He couldn't take the news very well, that Shania just went on the other side. So he just nodded in a fake response to Jake.

They were in Sunghoon's condo. Still surprised by the sudden news of Shania's death. He badly wants to go there but he knows himself that he still can't face the dead girl. As they're mourning, Shania's body is in the morgue waiting for the complete process of identification.

Truthfully speaking, Sunghoon was informed by the family of Shania that her body was in complete mess of state, due to the impact of the vehicle. It saddens the thought of everyone that a wonderful soul like Shania has left this world only by a Hit and Run accident.

The killer/driver is still nowhere to be found. It only made the family, friends, and close one's feel dreadful about the situation. One thing they can do is to make peace about the girl's soul and to move on from the bitterness story.

"Jake, let's leave Sunghoon. We'll sleep at the guest room." Jay suggested to Jake. They still can't leave the broken boy alone. It was evident that he needs the support now more than ever. 

"Sunghoon, we'll stay at the guest room. Just call us whenever you want." Jake said to Sunghoon. But to no avail, they only got a nod in response. Still shows that the boy is in shock and spacing out.

After looking at Sunghoon, both boys decided to leave the room and retires at the guest room. There were clothes already placed in the closet. They've been in and out in each other's condo's, so it's not surprising that they have a extra clothes for them to wear.

Sunghoon stayed sitting at the edge of his bed. As he noticed his friends left him, the tears that he's been holding back cascades into his face. It was only a facade to mask his fragility. In an honest perspective, Sunghoon only stayed tough just for his friends, because he knows that they will worry about him, and he doesn't want to make it about him. It's about Shania's death. His girlfriend. His princess.

Sunghoon takes his phone beside the lampshade and browses towards the photos. As he reminisces the photos with Shania. The sadness and anger only grew more. He can't accept on how could a human so vile and sick decided to left a person dying on the street. If only the driver had any amount of decency and morality then he/she would've tried to bring Shania in the hospital and might've a chance to save her life.

But that wasn't the case. Reports saying from the cops that Shania was trying to cross the lane on 11:59 but was hauled by a fast moving vehicle. Didn't even stopped nor didn't asked for help. It just keeps moving.

As it was nearly midnight, the streets were empty, so it took a lot of time before someone got a hold of her and called for an ambulance.

Knowing this one, Sunghoon felt bad that he wasn't there when it happened. He wasn't there when Shania is gasping for her life. Imagine the pain she went through before dying. Those are the thoughts that circulated around Sunghoon's mind.

He wasn't an over thinker. Well, that was before. But now, his mind says otherwise. His thoughts remained confused and disheveled. He couldn't stay calm. His anger and pain rose within him. But in the end, there's nothing he can do but to move on.

He browses again the pictures they took. It was them. In a places they've been before. In events they both partook. Foods where they shared. Sunghoon thought that he will forever treasures this memories within him.

It's already 2:30 am. Sunghoon decided to lay down in his bed while still holding the phone in his right hand. His tiredness rose and eventually takes over him.

As he closes his eyes, a picture of Sunghoon and Shania faded into the lock screen of the phone while it eventually turns off.

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