Chapter 34

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A few weeks passed by, still no improvement on the issue. Sunoo did all the efforts to talk to Sunghoon. The older guy blocked Sunoo totally in his life wether it may be personal and social life. Whenever Sunoo decided to confront Sunghoon, the older guy would avoid him or even at the worst part, tell him hurtful things. But Sunoo kept it all.

He would always understand Sunghoon because he knows where he's coming from. He couldn't just abandon Sunghoon without explaining things to him. Just as what both Shania and him did to Sunoo, he won't give up. Truthfully, Sunghoon is enjoying the show Sunoo is giving. He's kinda glad the younger boy is doing all of these things just to appease him.

So being said that, his ego got bigger. It seemed like he's very glad that Sunoo's attention is all over him. I mean, it's been what? A month since they talked. In all honesty, Sunghoon though that he would hate the younger guy for a life time. But still, his heart is beating for him. Everytime Sunoo went for him to try to talk to him. His heart would skip a beat.

It just shows that he's still madly in love with Sunoo. But his pride is still on the top of forgiveness. He thoughtfully decided to let Sunoo suffer. Even though he doesn't like it but he thinks, it's the only way for him to forgive the younger boy. He wants Sunoo to experience the same way as Shania ignored and distanced herself to him. He wants him to feel the intensity and the pain he felt before. As harsh as that can be, it's his decision. A decision he made of purely hate at the spur of moment.

One thing that bothers Sunghoon, is that his friends Jay and Jake are always at Sunoo's side. It seems like they were a part of a security detail protection to Sunoo. He can't quite tick how it all came down to it. Something has definitely changed within the moment his friends didn't answer his calls last month. He often saw Jake and Jay flocking around Sunoo with his bestfriends Jungwon and Heeseung but not everyday.

Even though Sunghoon badly wanted to be with them but he still needs to make Sunoo suffer and ignore him. He plans to do it for the semester. And only a two weeks left before the end of semester. He just needed to endure the urge to hug the younger boy. He just needed to be harsh and stoic at always. But then, something happened.

His friends suddenly have no time for him.
For Jake, Sunghoon already knew that his friend has a special place for Sunoo. He already realized it when the moment he took Sunoo in his unit when they first met. Jake is a person who rarely meddles with such matters. But how come, he always speaks up about Sunoo. The jealousy in his insides began to boil. His kinda jealous how his friend Jake, and Heeseung is all over Sunoo. Every time they'll have a free time, both of his buddies would often excused themselves to go at Jungwon's apartment or even hang out with Sunoo.

But one thing for Jay, his friend always took his side no matter what. He would often advices things but that's the last part of it. He doesn't really want to side or be near Sunghoon's person of conflict. So he's really shocked about why the guy has been taking Sunoo and Jungwon home by his car. If he can't then it would be Jake, and if they both can't there's Heeseung. The confusion in his mind seems to grow over time.

As the confusion grew, also his fake hatred has somewhat turned again into real hatred. He hates that Sunoo took Shania, Jay, and Jake from him. The hate somehow came back alive. The questions inside his mind is boggling him to death. Is he the villain? Is he the victim?

So as Sunoo tried to approach him, Sunghoon came back from his nasty attitude. He became a ruthless person that his friends and Sunoo never knew before. It was unlike him to act such things. But still Sunoo kept on appeasing his ass. He kept on asking for forgiveness. He tried to follow him and approach whenever Sunghoon is alone. But to no avail, the older guy just stopped everything. He avoided Sunoo like a plague and the younger guy was deeply hurt by his actions.

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