Chapter 5

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Morning came, yesterday was an eventful day. Jay gets up and starts to cook for their breakfast. He chose nuggets and hotdogs for breakfast.

Sunghoon wakes up the second. He goes to the counter and sits himself while looking at Jay. "Hey, where's my coffee?" Sunghoon asked.

"Stfu, Make your own coffee jerk. I'm not your nanny here." Jay retaliated. It was their daily routine. Glad it came back. Jake then wakes up and goes to them.

"Hey, what's the fuss all about?" Jake just seats at the counter while looking at Jay cooking their breakfast.

"Nothing." Sunghoon replied. As Jake waits for the breakfast he added "Coffee please." He just said that nonchalantly. That made Jay turns to them.

"Fuck you both. Hahaha. You're making me do all the work." Jay replied to Jake's request. Both Sunghoon and Jake just wants to tease the boy. Teasing Jay is probably giving them energy. They just laughed at him. After their continues banter. The breakfast is ready and they made their way to the table. They started eating while watching tv.

As soon as they finished eating, they decided to go at the couch. "Hey, should we get something in the funeral?" Jay asked. Sunghoon nodded in response. "Yeah, let's go to the mall." Jake added. Then all of them agreed to buy something for the funeral.

As they arrived at the mall. They struggled on what to buy. They kept on contemplating what to choose and whatnot. Sunghoon remembered that Shania always wants a vinyl. She always wants a "Emancipation of Mimi" vinyl.

It's been her haven and favorite. So they made their way to the music store. There they found a vinyl. All of them planned to bury it alongside with the body. After they bought the vinyl. They went to a restaurant.

"I will take the orders, sir's." Staff said and grabs the pen, and paper at her side. Jake and Jay saw the staff giving glances to Sunghoon. She clearly wants attention from Sunghoon. She even made her voice sweeter when Sunghoon asked for something. Jake just laughed how it escalated.

While that happened Jay on the other hand is a blunt, bold prick. So he said to the staff "Ms, please don't bother. His ex-girlfriend just died, he won't like you."

Sunghoon just shush Jay. After taking the order, the staff never came back and someone other than her brought the food.

"What the hell Jay. Hahahhaa." Jake said. Sunghoon just laughs together with Jake while Jay smirked. After eating they decided to buy flowers for Shania. They planned to go directly at the place because it would take so much time if they decided to go back at Sunghoon's condo.

As they arrived, they brought the flower towards the casket. The family of Shania thanked the three of them for bringing such gifts. They decided to sit down and waits at the pastor to held the prayer. Sunghoon and his friends just talk about random things. While others were also talking and minding their own business. After like a 10 minutes of waiting the pastor arrived and started the prayer. All of the people participated. It actually rained. The prayer and the rain combo is very serene and comforting. As the priest was done with the prayer, he got out and went his way.

Sunghoon and his friends planned to stay a few more minutes because they want to leave after the rain stopped. But they did not expect what would happen next. There a boy, maybe in his teens came into the funeral, with his wet white shirt that is stained with dirt and carrying a bag in his left hand while the other hand was covering his mouth.

Tears escaping in his face, he dropped the bag in his hand and walks towards the casket. People are looking at him. They wasn't sure who he is and what's his idea of coming here looking like that. As he got near towards the casket, he cries hard. So hard that even deaf people would probably even hear it. Nobody walked up to him. Nobody comforted him.

Sunghoon spaced out when he saw this boy. He clearly remembered their date when they were in park. Shania said to him that someone would come. Jay and Jake saw Sunghoon changes his expression from stoic to anger. It seemed like Sunghoon got a hunch on who he is or probably..... an assumption.

He thinks that this is the boy that kept on contacting Shania. He assumed that this is the same boy that destroyed his relationship. He thought he was a relationship wrecker. He only needed to talk this boy to confirm his assumptions.

Sunghoon got up from his seat and drags the crying boy. While the boy is squirming against him, there's no way he could beat Sunghoon's strength. So he got dragged by Sunghoon while his friends are at his back carrying the bag of the boy. The boy is still crying. "Get in the car." Sunghoon uttered in a serious tone. The boy still in tears followed the order and gets in. Jake is the one driving, Jay on the shotgun seat while Sunghoon holds the boys wrist tightly.

"Stop it, you're hurting me." The boy said to Sunghoon. He ignores the boy and just continued to hold him. As they got home, Sunghoon grabs the boy's wrist and brings him inside the building. Jay and Jake goes inside the unit and puts the bag. Sunghoon drags the boy in the couch and pushes him there. The boy winced in pain because of the impact of roughly colliding in the couch.

"Now, answer my question." Sunghoon demanded to the boy while the boy just shivered and shaking from these unknown people. "What's your relationship with Shania?" Sunghoon asked forceful tone. The boy didn't answer because of the shock and fear. It is really evident in the boy's eyes that he was scared and shock by the sudden events.

"Sunghoon, can you tone it down. You're scaring the guy." Jake said to the angered Sunghoon. His veins are popping in his face, knuckles turning white because of clenching.

"Jake, stay the fuck out of this." Sunghoon shouted at Jake which causes Jay to respond "Sunghoon, calm the fuck down! We're not your enemies here."

Everything was a mess, the boy feared all of them but particularly to Sunghoon.

Jay asked "Sunghoon, do you know him?" Sunghoon didn't answered. But then Jay asked again "Sunghoon, do you actually know him? Or did you drag him without any reason?"

"No, I don't know him but I know he's the one who wrecked my relationship. I just feel it. Remember when I told you about a guy contacting Shania for months and that made her distant, I think that was him." Sunghoon answered. That made Jake face palmed. It was a stupid answer and they had to do stupid things only for an assumption.

"What the hell Sunghoon, you don't even know what's his name. How can you think about that." Jay replied with an irritated tone. I mean, anybody would be irritated when they know your friend just dragged an unknown individual just to confirm his suspicions.

"Sunghoon, are you stupid? You scared the guy, for god's sake!" Jake said irritatedly. Sunghoon calms down after the debacle happened. It seems like, a cold water just poured into him. He got his senses back and realizes he got worked up at the guy. His emotions got the best of him and that wasn't good.

"Now, what to do?" Sunghoon asked. Jay and Jake just wants to hit Sunghoon because of his stupidity. After dragging the crying boy, all wet and stained and pushing him here only to find out that all of it was the idea of assumption. "Well for starters, you need to apologize and ask him whatever you want." Jake replied.

Sunghoon nodded and goes to the boy. Jake and Jay just distanced themselves but still close enough to intervene if any situation arises. "Hey, I'm sorry for dragging you." Sunghoon said. The boy didn't respond, he is still shaking while looking down at the floor.

Sunghoon proceeded to touch the boy to earn his attention but when he did, he got a slap from the boy "Don't fucking touch me!" The boy commanded and shouted. Sunghoon couldn't believe what just happened. Not even his mother or friends slapped him. He calms himself "Okay, okay. I won't touch you. I just need you to answer these questions. After that, I won't bother you." Sunghoon said to console the boy.

Luckily, the boy is not shaking but is still overly-cautious. He looks at Sunghoon straight to his eyes and nodded in response.
"What's your name?" Sunghoon asked. The boy then answered "Sunoo- Kim Sunoo." Sunoo answered with a dried tears on his face.

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