Chapter 11

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He remembered it vaguely. It was when Shania decided to distanced herself. He remembered Shania became interested in arts for a bit. He knew that girl wasn't even interested in it. It's just surprised him. But now, hearing this and connecting the dots.

He now knows that it's only a matter of time before he finds out the truth. His suspicions and assumptions that Sunoo is probably the guy who exchanged messages and took Shania away from him.

Sunghoon snapped from his thoughts when Sunoo called him out. "Sunghoon, sunghoon? Let's go!" He called out the other boy. It seems like something has bothering Sunghoon. Not that Sunoo cares but they need to go.

"Hey, we need to go!" Sunoo said. But instead of going home, Sunghoon decides to go at some place. A place that is away from the crowded people. Sunoo could only follow him, since he doesn't know which way to go or how to get home. Plus, Sunghoon is his ride. He can't just leave without him.

Sunghoon heads towards the room on the 2nd floor besides the stairs. As Sunoo got in, he saw a few. Probably, 10 individuals. Sunghoon starts talking with them. "Hey, Sunghoon. Nice to see you again." The guy with a blue shirt said.

"Yeah, definitely going back here since classes are coming." Sunghoon responds to him. As Sunoo got in, nobody paid attention to him. He just settled himself at the farthest chair. Little did he know, before Sunoo got in, Sunghoon told the people in the room, not to talk to Sunoo.

They were still talking about different things, they were laughing, sharing, and probably teased about silly things. Sunoo didn't want to interrupt the conversation but they need to go. He's already hungry. So he makes his way to Sunghoon and he said in monotone. "Sunghoon, can we go now? I still have to cook for dinner." But Sunghoon just look at him and gets back into his conversation.

He did not received any response from Sunghoon and even his so called friends. He felt humiliated. So he sits back down to the same chair he seated and duck's his head with his hands crossing under his head. Sunoo remembered something. The same feeling when he was still in their hometown or school. He felt like an outcast again.

He thought that the things he felt before would change after coming here but that wasn't the case. It's still going to follow him wherever he goes. He'll be forever an outcast. He tried to stop his tear but the one welled up tear on his right eye fell down. Gladly, he ducked his head. So no one was able to see that.

After like an hour, the conversation stopped and all of those people except both of them left. Sunghoon goes to Sunoo and nudges him. "Hey, hey, we need to go!" Sunghoon said to the boy. Sunoo just raised his head and nodded in response. The bitter taste of an outcast still lingered in his mood. Sunghoon didn't feel sorry for him. He deserves, he thought.

They made their way to the car and heads towards the condo. As they're going back, the ambiance right now is so thick that it could squeeze them both out of the car. Nobody wanted to speak, but suddenly Sunoo's stomach growled with hunger. It just shows that Sunoo probably was hungry and just endured it for him.

Now he feels guilty about it. He feels guilty of shunning him into the corner. He makes a u-turn and goes to a fast food store. Sunghoon heads to the drive-thru. "Sunghoon, I thought I'll be cooking dinner today." Sunoo said. He replied. "It's okay, you're probably tired and hungry. I don't need you to exhaust yourself."

"Thank you, Sunghoon." Sunoo thanked the guy. He was just confused as to why he's rude earlier and now he decides to be kind. As soon as they received their order, they drive towards the condo.

Sunghoon opens the unit and they both get in. They went both in their own rooms to change comfortably, once finished. They went ot the dining table to eat. Sunghoon decided to ask Sunoo about it. "Sunoo, why did you chose fine arts?"

"I like arts, I like to paint, carve, color, draw, or everything that involves arts. I personally love it. But looking at the deeper reason, arts has become my safe haven, my output towards life, the product of my emotions and stories, it was definitely a personal." He answered truthfully. Sunoo has been vocal about his passion for arts. Everybody knows it but a few only acknowledged it. When he says a few, probably two or three.

So he's interested in sharing things to people. even though, he doesn't really know if they will acknowledge it back. But still he wants to make a point. That he will never and ever be shy to talk about the things he love.

When Sunghoon heard his answer. His heart skipped a bit. One thing that turns him on is those people who are passionate about towards something they love. The drive that keeps them going. The resiliency towards things that affects them. It's what Sunghoon loves. As he saw Sunoo speaking with a direct tone, smiling while uttering his passion towards Arts, he couldn't help but to feel flustered.

Now he realizes that he developed a soft spot for him in his heart. He thought that as he gets to know Sunoo more, a lot of good things came into view. He expected a shallow person beneath the assumptions but clearly, it was the opposite.

As they continued to eat, Both of them started talking casually. From things to here and there. They started to break the ice. Sunghoon is so amused by his passion. It turns out Sunoo is a champion at his school for in arts competition. He was so happy yet sad. As they were trying to spark the conversation more, Sunghoon noticed the ketchup stain beside his lips.

One thing he discovers about Sunoo is that he's clumsy in eating "Sunoo, you got ketchup here." Sunghoon pointed in the lips. Sunoo tried to get the ketchup but failed to remove it. Until Sunghoon uses his finger to wipe the ketchup at Sunoo's faces and licks it.

"Hey, why'd you do that." Sunoo blushingly said. His ears and cheeks have become red. "Because I like tomatoes." Sunghoon answered. Sunoo just laughed at Sunghoon's retort. But deep inside in Sunghoon, he really meant that. He likes red tomatoes. However, he's sure he meant both...the ketchup and his blushed cheeks.

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