Chapter 23

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When he got his order, he drives like a maniac towards the school. After parking the car, he sprints his way to the cafeteria. It's almost 12 noon, so he better yet wait for Sunoo to come.

"Sunny, come over to the cafeteria. I have something for you." Sunghoon texted. After like a 5 minutes of waiting. The bell rings and students flocks towards the tables and starts to ramble.

Sunoo and Jungwon made their way to the cafeteria. He saw Sunghoon's text and felt guilty about what he did earlier. Heeseung is not with them because he has something to do. As they both made their way to the cafeteria. They saw Sunghoon in the table with a Mc Donald's take out.

"Hoonie, what is this?" Sunoo asking him. Not that he doesn't know that this is a food but rather clarifying the intention. "Ah, this is for us. You know both of us haven't eaten a breakfast." Sunghoon replied.

"Can I also join?" Jungwon asked shyly. Sunoo just laughs at him. "Sure, I bought that for us to share." Sunghoon replied. They started eating the food. Sunoo stole glances at Sunghoon. He badly wanna apologize his nasty behavior earlier.

Sunghoon also stole glances at Sunoo. But then, when their eyes meet. Sunoo immediately looks away and starts to blush. "Are you serious right now, Sunoo? Are you seriously blushing?" Jungwon exclaimed in higher pitch, which only makes it more embarrassing.

"I mean, I'm the most handsome in this school, so I can't blame you if you can't resist my charms Sunny." Sunghoon added in the conversation. After hearing that, Sunoo even more blushes at the thought while Jungwon is gasping in disbelief because he thought that Sunghoon is really attractive but didn't entirely expect that he has this narcissistic tendecies.

"Wow, the confidence it takes to say that is overwhelming." Jungwon added. He wasn't trying to be sarcastic or something. He was just amazed by his confidence. "Jungwon, I have to say something to Hoonie first. I'll see you at class." Sunoo said to him.

Jungwon just couldn't believe him. "Is this his way of telling him to go?" Jungwon thought. Then he replied. "K, I'll see you on the class. Thank you Sunghoon for the lunch." Jungwon smiled at them and left.

Jungwon wasn't really deeply fond on Sunghoon. In the first place, he already has a bet who is (Heeseung) to be Sunoo's lover. But then, he can't control his friends feeling. So at the end of the day, he'll respect whoever could win Sunoo's heart.

After leaving, Sunoo and Sunghoon gazed at each other. More like a deep minute of staring into oblivion. Sunghoon felt hot looking at those brown orbs, drawing him in deeply, and giving him butterflies. "Hey, I have something to give but since you wanna say something. I'll hear you out first." Sunghoon opened the conversation

Sunoo scrambling to the sudden solo attention. He stuttered. "I-i'm sorry." Sunoo stuttered. The older boy seems confused but is highly affected by the sudden stuttering of Sunoo. He finds it cute and adorable. "Why? Why are you sorry?" Sunghoon asked.

"It's because I was annoyed at you earlier, and even blames you for us being late when the mere fact that we both chose to stay up late at night." Sunoo said with sincerity. He knows that he's been real immature about it that's why he needs to apologize.

Sunghoon just laughs at him. The older boy found this amazing and sweet side of him. "No worries, I know you're just annoyed and besides it was morning. Probably you got off in the opposite side of the bed." Sunghoon replied. The younger boy smiled at him in return.

"Since you're sorry about earlier, I got a present for you." Sunghoon said. He opens his bag and takes off the quiz material that Sunoo has been wanting to get his hands of. He gives it to Sunoo. "Here's your quiz material. I know you can't take your afternoon test without it." Sunghoon added.

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