Chapter 12

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Several days has passed. It was the same routine. Sunoo would cook breakfast for him, eats with him, and talks random stuff. They still wasn't clearly in the mood to be overly happy because Shania's death is still fresh.

But as days passed, all of them decided to accept it little by little. Sunoo was even shocked by the thought that Sunghoon is Shania's ex-boyfriend. The older guy didn't mentioned it nor has the thinking that it would be important, but Sunoo kept asking about it.

"Sunghoon, are you close with Shania?" Sunoo asked the older guy. Sunghoon bravely answered the question. "Yes, I'm super close with her. For I am his ex-boyfriend." Sunoo is taken aback by the answer he received. He thought that Sunghoon and his friends were just close with Shania as a friend but clearly, he was wrong.

"Ah, so. Why did you dragged me here?" Sunoo asked. He's clearly confused as to why he's being inserted in this problem when all he did was to attend the funeral. "I'm sorry. I've mistaken you for someone." Sunghoon lied. Deep in his heart, he knows that Sunoo is the guy who wrecked his relationship, who made Shania distanced herself.

But still he remembered Shania's words. "I hope you will also take care of him." Those exact same words ringing around his head and before knowing all the truth, he wants to take care of Sunoo. At least his conscience will not entirely eat him up whenever he decided to confront this guy.

Sunoo smiled at him, the innocence and kindness brimming around his aura. He wasn't entirely sure wether to believe Sunghoon but one thing he knows, is that giving him a roof and a food is already a humanitarian act. And he's also Shania's ex which also makes him a trusted person.

They stayed at the unit, sometimes Jake and Jay would often come by and strikes to have conversation to Sunoo. He feels glad that Jake and Jay are there to visit them.

Although Sunghoon is glad that Jake and Jay went by, he feels jealous about them having a silly conversation to Sunoo. He hopes that would also happen to the both of them.

Sunghoon is pretty petty, so when Sunoo and Jake were seated besides each other, Sunghoon decided to seat between them. Separating them both. Jake just chuckled internally while Sunoo stayed silent. Then they all watched a movie after that.

Surprisingly, Sunoo makes the dinner all the time. He thought that Sunghoon would probably dine out wherever he wants to but suddenly he informs Sunoo that he'll be staying for dinner. It's been 3 days since Sunghoon started eating Sunoo's dishes.

Not that he complains but it's great that Sunghoon appreciates what he made. His cooking skills and his dishes are also part in his creative energy. It's derived from his passion in art.

After tasting Sunoo's dishes, he instantly made the decision to stay and eat home-cooked foods. It's incredibly scrumptious. He could only imagine if Sunoo were to be his boyfriend. He could taste such delights everyday. But that's impossible, he also needs to clear up things about the past.

After like three days of being together, they both started to develop a good friendship. Through out the days, Sunghoon opens up about his family, his friends, and his college life.

Hearing those stories made Sunoo jealous about it. His childhood, friends, were clearly nonexistent. But he's not about to tell the tale to Sunghoon. As much as he trusted the person, he doesn't want to disclose such heavy luggage.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't trust Sunghoon, Jake, or even Jay. It's just that there's a right time for everything. They are friends for like a week and that's not even a plausible reason to share his biggest secrets. Who knows what they might do, or they might act when they know about his life.

They've been hanging out, getting to know each other, and sharing things. It's a fundamental for a friendship to bloom. Sunoo was just happy that he's able experience this kind of setup.

Today Jake and Jay decided to stay at their homes and probably relax. The classes will start two days from now on. After the breakfast, Sunghoon then goes at Sunoo's room. He saw the young boy reading a book while sitting at his bed. Sunghoon walks up to him and lays beside. "What book are you reding right now?" Sunghoon said while staring at the baby fat in Sunoo's tummy sticking out.

"Ah, It's a memoir." Sunoo answered still in attention from the book Sunghoon paid for.
"Who's memoir is it?" Sunghoon asked still staring at Sunoo's baby fat sticking out. He wants to touch it and pinch it. The supple porcelain skin on Sunoo is just hard to resist.

"It's a memoir of Mariah Carey. It's about her destructive childhood and how she overcame her setbacks." Sunoo replied. He decided to read this one because the story deeply resonates within him. Mariah Carey's childhood has never been easy, and so as him. He wants to acknowledged the fact that as Big as Mariah Carey is in the world, she still came from a disastrous life.

And the though she overcame all of that makes him more motivated to strive hard for his dreams. "Wow, you must really love her, don't you?" Sunghoon asked. "Yes, I love her and her story so much-" He didn't finished what he said because Sunghoon pinches his baby fat in his tummy.

"What the hell Sunghoon. Hahahha." Sunoo said to Sunghoon. But he didn't stop there. Sunghoon started to tickle Sunoo. He started laughing and it resonates in these four corners surrounding them. Sunghoon continued tickling Sunoo.

"Sunghoon, HAHAHA, stop, HAHAHAH, enough, omg." Sunoo said in panting. Sunghoon gets up and pins Sunoo under him. He grabs Sunoo's hands with his left hand and he puts it on top of Sunoo's head to lock it and his right hand continues to tickle him.

Sunoo continues to laugh and fights Sunghoon. Until Sunghoon stopped. He stopped tickling Sunoo when he saw his beautiful brown orbs drawing him in. The foxy brown orbs accompanied with a beautiful perfect smile, and a supple pink cheeks that is from the effects of tickling him. Sunghoon just thought at that moment that Sunoo looks so good that any person would definitely be hypnotized by the younger's looks wether they're a girl or a boy.

"You're so pretty Sunoo." Sunghoon uttered in a direct tome. He wants to compliment Sunoo straight ahead. It's because it's the truth. Sunoo has a soft spot for compliments.  He just smiled at Sunghoon genuinely which only makes it more charming to Sunghoon. "Thank you." Sunoo uttered in a gracious tone.

"Don't let any other people do this to you, except me. Especially....Guys! Okay." Sunghoon said to Sunoo. Sunoo could only wonder what he meant so he tried to pry about it. "Huh? Why?"

"Just don't." Sunghoon replied and ruffles his hair while getting up. He thought this was getting dangerous. He's playing a dangerous game. And Sunoo is definitely the boss level. "Okay, Sunghoon." Sunoo agreed about it. Even though he didn't understand what he meant about people not allowed to tickle him.

Sunoo then sit up and going besides Sunghoon. Sunghoon then said. "Sunoo, we're going to mall tomorrow. I'll buy you stuff to wear. Your baby fats are noticeable now. You need a new garments/clothes." That isn't really the reason. Sunghoon just wants to buy something for Sunoo. He wants to spoil him.

"Can we invite Jake and Jay with us? I'll be lot of fun." Sunoo suggested. But clearly, Sunghoon has already made a plan in his mind. "No, I'd like it, if it's just the two of us. Besides you'll be seeing them both next, next day." Sunghoon answered in a monotone voice.

Sunoo just nodded and hugs Sunghoon in response. He was just happy because it's a second time, someone will buy stuff for him. The excitement kicks him in and hugs Sunghoon in return. Deep inside in Sunghoon's heart, he's flustered. He wanna scream by the fact that Sunoo just hugged him right in this moment.

He could only imagine what would happen tomorrow. His excitement only grew by thinking the reactions would Sunoo act or feel when they do all those things Sunghoon planned for them both.

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