Chapter 33

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Class continued as usual, despite what happened to Sunoo. Grades are still important to him. He kinda missed everything. When he eats with him, he rides with his car everyday, he takes him to his class, all of it became a part of his life and for it to suddenly disappear is painful.

But then, there's nothing he can do but to hope they will understand his side. What he needs to do first is to be truthful to Jake, and Jay. They're Sunghoon's best buddies, so if they won't understand his side then it's highly possible that Sunghoon also won't.

He's doing this not because he wants to save himself and to pity him, but he wants to do this because he wants to share his side of the story. After all, he can't control what reactions would they show. As long as he's able share his story. They're free to react whatever they want, even if they want to cut ties with him. He can't do anything about that.

As he heads towards the classroom with Jungwon, Sunghoon approaching him with Jay, and Jake following behind him. "Sunoo, get behind me." Jungwon silently said to him.

Sunoo looks downward to avoid him. It isn't because he's guilty or want to avoid him but he knows that Sunghoon isn't comfortable with him. Sunghoon just passed at them without looking at him. Sunoo's heart tingles a bit of pain. Jay smiled at him weakly while Jake on the other hand decided to face Sunoo and grab his hands.

"Sunoo, how are you? where are you staying? If you want, you can stay at my unit." Jake said.

Sunghoon instinctively turns his head backwards after hearing Jake's words. "Are you fucking serious Jake??? Did you know what he did to me and yet you still want to show some concern to him. I thought it's bro's before hoes?" Sunghoon annoyingly asked.

Sunoo felt uncomfortable by the sudden attention. It is definitely a bad attention. After Sunghoon spewed some words. People began to murmur and whisper their own assumptions about what happened between them. Jake felt the uncomfy vibes to Sunoo. "Can you just be mature for once and for all? Yes, it's bro's before hoes but Sunoo is not a Hoe! Besides, there must be a reason right? If you don't like to hear it then go along." Jake said then grabs Sunoo away from them, Jungwon following them.

Sunghoon just groaned in anger. Still he can't believe that one of his best buddy decided to run off from a person that he knowingly hates. Jay only consoled him and pats his back. "Bro, I think we should also respect Jake's decision to hear about Sunoo's explanation. I for once, want it also. We can't just go on with our lives refusing to solve this issue. Let's hear him out and decided after hearing it okay?" Jay advices Sunghoon.

But Sunghoon's heart is cold and hard. It budge a bit but not totally, to be open minded in things like that. "I'm sorry, Jay. But I still can't face him. I don't think, I'll ever face him." Sunghoon replied.

"Well, you're going to regret it, if you won't. I'm just saying." Jay said and then pats Sunghoon's back and left towards his class. Sunghoon is left alone wondering if what he did was the best decision. But still he can't really force himself to hear things when he's still not ready.

When Jake and Sunoo got into a secluded area. He immediately hugged Sunoo. "I'm sorry, Sunoo. If ever if Sunghoon said some words about you. But trust me, he doesn't mean all of it. It's just his anger. By the way, the questions I've asked earlier, can you answer them?" Jake said.

"Ah, Jake. Thank you for your concern but I still think that you need to be at Sunghoon's side right now. He needs the support the most after hearing the truth. Don't worry, I'm staying at Jungwon's apartment. I'm safe and well there." Sunoo replied.

"Huh? Then who will be there for you? Both of you are my friends. I can't just leave you. You know, you're special to me right?" Jake said.

"I know, but I'm used to being alone." Sunoo replied weakly.

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