Chapter 4

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Sunghoon goes to his bestfriends "Hey, what's for breakfast?" Sunghoon asked.

Jay answered "It's egg, bacon, and rice." He grabs a plate, utensils, and sits himself at the chair. As they were eating, Jay and Jake couldn't help but to glance every minute at Sunghoon. They are still worried about him. The tough act could only work so much until you're facing something you're not prepared.

"What the hell are you two staring at?" Sunghoon asked. The two boys stayed silent. Not wanting to answer Sunghoon. "Can you respond to me fuckers." Sunghoon said with a irritated tone.

Both Jay and Jake just laughed at him when he muttered those words.

"Chill, bro. It's morning. you don't have to get worked up for a little thing." Jay said while continue eating his food. Jake just stayed silent while still holding his expression well. I mean, clearly they're concern right. But it might've came off as off-putting.

"Okay, We're sorry. Just us trying to see how you're holding up." Jake replied.

Sunghoon softens when he heard those words. It seems like he took the glances bad. But anyway, It's all good. As soon as they finished eating. All of them went to the couch. The atmosphere started to thicken. It seems like there's some sort of hidden agenda that needs to be brought in the light.

"Today's the day." Jake opened up about it. There's no way Sunghoon could tackle this issue by himself.

Jay then proceeds to respond. "Bro, the funeral will round up for like 3 days." Jay informs Sunghoon. Luckily, Sunghoon wasn't overly-affected anymore by the sudden kickback of the pain.

"Yeah, we'll go there." Sunghoon replied to the boys. But Jay and Jake has been inquisitive that they have to ask.

"Bro, We've been meaning to ask you about this, what happened to the both of you when she was still alive?" Jake asked. Not gonna lie, that made Sunghoon caught off guard. But yeah, he decided to tell the truth, so that there would be no confusion.

"We had a date right? Both of you knew that. After that, we had a really good time. Everything was going well, she responded to my texts, she was making these jokes, it's like she came back from the grave." Sunghoon told them with a stoic expression.

"It's not that Sunghoon, what we really want to ask is that did both of your feelings came back? or, it wasn't there?" Jay asked. Sunghoon wasn't able to answer on the spot. He wasn't exactly sure if Shania felt the same way as him. One thing he's sure about is that both of them wanted to fix the broken rift between them.

"We were getting there, I can already feel it that it's going to work. I can only say that my feelings has been indefinite. I love her at that time but that love is not what you both think." Sunghoon replied truthfully to his best friends.

"We figured!" Jay replied. Hearing about the reply of Jay confuses Sunghoon.

"What do you mean by that?" Sunghoon asked.

"I mean, we clearly figured that it was too late and what happened between you and her came to a realization that you're not overly-hurt because you still have feelings for her but rather.... You are in pain because you lost a person who holds so much memories with you." Jake replied. Both Jay and Jake just stayed silent, waiting for the answer of Sunghoon regarding about it.

"Yeah, I guess it made sense. I was deeply hurt by the fact, I wouldn't see her anymore.
I maybe convinced myself that I love her but truthfully, it was going platonically." He replied and also realizes that he's been holding back his entire feelings. He probably convinces himself that he still love her as a lover, when in fact the truth behind it is that, he only did it just to consider their 2 years relationship.


"Sunghoon, it's time." Jake said to Sunghoon. They are going to the house where Shania's body is being confined in a casket.

Sunghoon's hands are getting sweaty. "Bro, calm down. It's going to be okay." Jay said. It helped his nerves calm down. I mean, he wasn't there to witness the body of his ex-girlfriend and this is the first time he will see the remains.

As soon as they arrived at the place, All of them got out immediately after the car was parked. They were walking together inside. As they head, the place was decorated with flowers. Shania was fond of flowers, might be the reason why this is crowding the funeral. When they got inside, the family recognizes Sunghoon. Her mother then goes to him and hugs.

"Glad you could make it here Sunghoon. We really appreciate you and your friends." Shania's mom tearing up when she said this.

Sunghoon just respectfully nodded to her mother and her family. After that, all of them went to see the casket. As soon as Sunghoon saw the body of a peaceful, sleeping body of Shania. He went crying. Jake and Jay also cried. It's really clear that the painful of losing a friend is dreadful.

"She looks so dreadfully calm." Sunghoon muttered under a sobbing manner. Jay and Jake nodded in response.

As they finished watching the Shania. They went to sit in a vacant seats. Not more than five minutes. A pastor came and starts to hold a prayer to the deceased girl.

After a 20 minute session of praying. The pastor went out and all the people are talking to each other. Families and friends talking about Shania's undeserved death.
Sunghoon saw familiar faces. Her mom, her dad, her siblings, and probably some of her distanced friends and acquaintances.

After like a 5 minutes of staying. All of them went to Shania's mother to bid farewell. "Mom, we'll go ahead. We'll be back tomorrow again." Sunghoon informs them. Shania's mother just nodded in response and smiled.

They went out and drives towards Sunghoon's condo. "I didn't expect that there would be many people." Jay said while they're going inside the unit.

"Yeah, It was packed and congested. Many people knew Shania." Jake added to the conversation.

Sunghoon then replies "Probably because she was good to everyone. That's why people came to see her off."

Both of them agreed to what Sunghoon said. They decided to eat and after that, they went to retire at their rooms preparing for tomorrow's continuation of the funeral.

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