Chapter 31

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Sunoo called out Trevor, his dad,and his step-mom. He decided to find his parents. After a long 30 minutes of searching for his parents. He couldn't find them. The tears welled up in his eyes. He decided to sit at a vacant seat on the mall. Carefully, waiting that his parents and his brother would find him.

But the time only grew. 30 minutes, an hour, two hours, three hours, and four hours has passed but still no Dad, Mom, and step brother went to find him. A security guard went up to him. "Hey kid, what's your name?" The security guard asked.

"Kim Sunoo." Sunoo replied weakly.

"Are you lost? Where are your parents?" He asked.

"I don't know. Did someone reported missing?" Sunoo asked. He was hoping that at least his parents even called the mall to report him as a missing child.

"No, kiddo. There's no report. But I guess, you can tell me where your car is parked." He said.

Sunoo went to follow the security guard on the parking lot. They basically searched for his father's car but it turns out, it was already long gone.

"Kiddo, it seems like your parents ditched you or something. Do you want me to get you home? We can contact the police to help you getting home." The security guard asked.

But Sunoo just shook his head. He just went to the nearest station and just ride a public jeepney with his 100 pesos pocket money. When he got home, nobody was at the house. He kinda is hoping that maybe his parents did report him to the police and maybe show their care for him.

However, when he opens his social media account. He saw Trevor with his parents going into the ice rink and practicing his new roller blades. They weren't even concerned about him at all. They weren't paying attention wether he's missing or not. All they know is that to caters Trevor's needs and wants while he on the other hand has been an outcast both in school and in his family.

He opens the fridge because he's kinda hungry. After all, the searching he's been through but to no avail, there's no food. It still needs to be cook. So he decided to just go at his room, lay on top of his bed while his tummy is craving for spaghetti and chicken. Coincidentally, when he open Trevor's social media again. He saw a pic of his parents and Trevor eating Jollibee.

Immediately seeing that, his tears began uncontrollably fall. He couldn't hold back the feeling of disappointment, angry, sad, and sorry for his self. He began to think negatively about his self. His self-confidence began to crumble at that moment. He slept at that night with an empty stomach.

After that incident, his parents only explained to him that they forgot about him. Sunoo really fought himself not to cry at that moment. Imagine being a parent and forgetting your kid in a mall. I mean, they never really cared about Sunoo. Probably the reason why, they can easily forget the illegitimate child.

There were even times when his step-mother forbids him from eating the food. She always says that this is Trevor's food. So Sunoo eventually got tired arguing with her and decided to cook for himself everyday. It was a daily routine for him. Cooking for himself in the morning, commuting in the jeepney, budgeting his 100 pesos throughout the day, being bullied with his classmates, has no friends and no one to confide with, has to save up money in order to buy art materials or his projects.

All of those things has been a daily part of Sunoo. But he still thrive forward, hoping that his parents, trevor and his school life might turn 360' degrees into a better one. However, even though he tops the class consecutively from the first year to fourth year. He never once experienced being taken to a fine dining restaurant with his parents. To even celebrate being a top in the class. They never once paid attention to him, and how well he did a good job on the class.

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