Chapter 32

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For a second time in his life, He woke up with a heavy heart and a clear mind. The first time he experienced this was when he told Shania about his childhood. But now, after telling Jungwon. His mind became clearer. Although the situation right now is unpleasant and not in favor towards him. Ultimately, he made that decision for himself.

Nobody forced him or coerced him to speak the truth. Sunoo woke up in a different room, different ambiance, and a different vibe. It was totally different from Sunghoon's unit. Not that he hates it but the unfamiliarity is kinda confusing him. But he's in no position to complain when Jungwon his friend easily accepted him to stay temporarily at his apartment. Sunoo saved a lot from his allowance and expenses.

So he will probably ask Jungwon to let him share the expenses here at his apartment. Even though the right thing is to find an apartment for himself. He thinks he can't handle being alone right now. What he needs right now is a companion, especially a one that knows his secret. He gets up from the bed and he headed towards the small living room. But a noise is coming from the kitchen. It must be Jungwon cooking something for them.

Sunoo headed over the kitchen to see what he's up to. "Hey, you're already awake. I'm not really good at cooking but atleast, I made an effort right? Hahaha." Jungwon lightens the vibes.

Sunoo just smiled back at Jungwon. He is forever truly glad that he became friends with Jungwon. Even in his difficult days, his friend willing to share the burden for him.
"Jungwon, thank you for cooking our breakfast. But next time, I want to cook for us because to pay for trouble." Sunoo replied.

"I mean, not that you need to pay me but I'm really gonna appreciate if you handle the kitchen because I sincerely love your food!" Jungwon exclaimed happily. The two guys just laughs at their banters. Despite the heavy revelation Sunoo revealed yesterday, Jungwon doesn't want to act awkward, or all pity.

He wants to act normal and for Sunoo to feel at ease, comfortable, and be homey as possible. It's currently Sunday, so they don't have classes today. "Sunoo, would you want to go at Shania's grave today?" Jungwon suggested. It is really a good suggestion. After all, Sunoo also wants to share the things that happened between his new life.

They started to eat, a little conversation. Nothing too out of ordinary. Afterwards, they changed ensembles. They headed towards the nearest jeepney station. During the ride, all Sunoo could think is how he regrets everything.

How he regrets not being truthful in the first place. How he regrets falling in love with Shania's lover. How he ultimately regrets to drag this situation long. Looking at the sceneries, while people are working on their own business. Jungwon glanced at Sunoo. He saw a sad, and disappointed eyes. If only he met Sunoo before, he would truly do his best to help him.

But then, everything happens for a reason. He could only hope that after this, is that time would heal everything and things would go back to it's place. As they arrived at the entrance. It would take 10 minutes walk before they'll get to Shania's grave. So they silently walked towards the grave.

Not even getting there, they both Sunghoon on Shania's grave putting flowers and lighting candles. Sunoo braced himself for whatever hurtful words he might received. As Sunghoon was done with his business, as soon as he turns back. He saw Sunoo approaching the place where he's standing from. His expression got cold, and his emotions are raging.

He approach Sunoo calmly. "I'm only saying this once, don't ever come here if I'm here or better yet, don't come here ever again. You can chose which is which." Sunghoon said coldly and hardly bumped Sunoo. The younger guy is about to fall when Jungwon assisted him. As he turns around and look at Sunghoon, he just continued to walk. Sunoo really hopes that he would turn back but it didn't happened.

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