Chapter 21

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Monday came, they started to eat their breakfast. "Hoonie, I'll be coming home late. We have a study session coming up tomorrow." He said still gobbling the food in his mouth.

"Who's with you and where?" Sunghoon asked the younger guy.

"I'm with Heeseung, and Jungwon. But don't worry, Heeseung will give us a ride on the way at the cafe and going home." Sunoo replied.

"Okay, just be safe alright. I'll wait for you." Sunghoon uttered.

After eating, they went to change uniforms and decides to go at school early. When they arrived, Sunghoon accompanies Sunoo in his classroom. They are both walking side by side. Sunoo is just glad, they are really early for people would swoon over Sunghoon everyday.

When they got to the room. "Thank you, Hoonie for accompanying me today." Sunoo said shyly. He's still not used to being accompanied by someone who is really known at the school campus. It just means that it attracts a lot of people and he has social anxiety.

"I'll see you later alright? I'll wait for you." Sunghoon said and walks away. Sunoo went to his seat and seeing Jungwon crossing his hands.

"Sunoo, what's the real deal with Sunghoon? I thought he's not dropping you off, as the same as the past week? Hell, what really happened?" Jungwon asked.

"Ah, Jungwon, it's really complicated. We are somehow interconnected between a person who's important to us but then he badly wants to know the truth. I still can't open up Jungwon. That's why he might've yelled at me and things got awkward onwards." Sunoo replied.

"Glad that you both made up. I mean, he's a real jerk for forcing you to say things you don't really want. But anyway, let's shift the topic. How's the party? Did you enjoy?" Jungwon asked.

"That was my first party actually! I've never been to one in my whole life. The people were wild, dancing, drinking, and even making out. I fairly did all those things except making out." Sunoo replied.

"What? Are you living on a rock? How could you not attend party on your high school years?" Jungwon asked.

"Yeah, it really wasn't for me. That's why I transferred here. But hey, we drank a lot. We actually dance with Heeseung. He's literally hilarious with those funny moves. Hahahaha." Sunoo replied.

"Hey, what funny moves? Do you think I did funny moves at the party? I can dance baby!" Heeseung added in the conversation while dancing.

Jungwon and Sunoo just laughed at him. You can't really escape Heeseung's humor.
"So how did you both got home when the two of you were drunk already?" Jungwon asked.

Heeseung sits himself and his mood got ruined. He wasn't able to answer that because he's still annoyed by the fact that Sunghoon was the one who brought Sunoo home.

"Ah, Hoonie told me he brought me home. It turns out the party that they went is also the party that Heeseung was invited." Sunoo explained.

Jungwon just nodded in response and saw Heeseung's annoyed face. "Guys, I'll be at the bathroom. Okay?" Sunoo said to them.

Heeseung was about to come with him when Jungwon grabs him. "Hey, what are you doing?" He asked him.

"I have something to say. Stfu first." Jungwon replied.

"What is it?" Heeseung asked. He wasn't really sure what questions would Jungwon asked.

"I know that you like Sunoo. But don't you think you need to step it up? He has guys and girls all over him. You have the advantage because you're friends with him. Don't let it all go to waste." Jungwon said sternly.

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