Chapter 8

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As soon as Sunoo recollected his self, he asked Jake. "Jake, I want to go at Shania's burial, when is it?" Jake couldn't answer immediately. He was thorn between Sunoo and Sunghoon. But clearly, he couldn't ignore the latter's request. So all he could do is to inform Sunoo about it. "Sunoo, I have two news for you. Today's the burial of Shania but I was told to keep you off the burial."

Sunoo couldn't exactly pinpoint what's the issue of him being there. Like is it about the mess he made yesterday? I mean, it's fucking normal right. Crying for your friend because she died. "What the hell? Who told you that?" Sunoo asked with intent. He was mad and that's a fact. Anybody would be mad if they were prohibited to attend this important burial. "You know him already. It's Sunghoon. The guy who dragged you yesterday, my jerk friend." Jake could only reply calmly because he doesn't want to agitate Sunoo. He believes that any soft person in heart has it's own limits and once you tried to push them. There's no telling what will happen.

"How could he do this to me!" Sunoo replied. Tears escaping his eyes. He hugs a pillow beside him to comfort him. Sunoo couldn't quite tick, how could a person do this to him. That is the only thing he want. To see Shania off in her last moments. Why would he steal that from him. He knows already that if he tried to go there forcefully, a scene would broke out and that's not what he wanted.

"Would you go there Sunoo? or would you stay here?" He asked in a serene tone. Jake knew that Sunoo needs the understanding. "I'll probably stay here. Me, going there would probably create a mess and I don't want to destroy Shania's final moments." Sunoo replied. What he didn't know was that Jake already decided before hand. He decided if Sunoo's answer would be 'going there' then he would grant his wish but if chooses to stay then he will also stay.

"I'll stay with you Sunoo." Jake replied. Sunoo doesn't understand why Jake would go through such lengths. "No, it's okay. I'll stay here alone. They need your presence the most. I'll promise, I won't steal anything here." Sunoo replied to Jake.

Jake denied the request and stopped him. "No, I don't want you to be alone. It's more safe when I'm here with yo-" When a call interrupted Jake. He picks up his phone and saw the caller id... Sunghooon. Jake decided to leave the living room and stayed at his room to get some privacy. He accepted the call and "Bro, why the fuck are you not picking up?" Sunghoon said at the other line slightly irritated.

"I'm sorry, I just had a conversation with Sunoo. Anyway, what's up." Jake replied. Sunghoon checked his ears, if he heard that correctly. "What? you're now close with him? I'm disowning you as my friend." Sunghoon teased. "Yeah, he's cute. But I think he'll probably be more into your type." Jake replied with a defeated tone. He already knows that Sunghoon would probably hit on Sunoo. Sooner or later, that jerk would be head over the heels for Sunoo.

"You found him cute? Please, he looks like a rag yesterday. What made you think he's cute. He needs to step up his game to be my type. Lmao." Sunghoon retorted with underlying tone. Jake just laughed at him for being so defensive about it. It was a simple word 'cute' but it made him go ballistic.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Park Sunghoon." Jake replied teasingly. "By the way, My purpose of calling you is to inform you that we have to go at the burial right?" Sunghoon clarified Jake about it. But Jake decided to stay with Sunoo. Not that he chose Sunoo over his friend but it's clearly, not appropriate to leave someone.

"Yeah, about that bro. I hope you won't get mad at this. I'll be staying here. Sunoo doesn't have anyone besides me." Jake said passively. "Are you serious? You know him just yesterday. What the hell are you thinking. You're playing a dangerous game Sim Jaeyun." Sunghoon replied. Sunghoon's not angry nor jealous. It was just unexpected how that guy Sunoo made his friend do things for him.

"Yeah, I'm dead serious. Well, you wouldn't want him near the burial right? So you get what you deserve.HAHAHA." Jake laughs at it. "Okay, fine. But he's staying at my condo tomorrow okay." Sunghoon added. Not gonna lie. That caught Jake off guard. It wasn't even a 3 minutes they talked and now he wants to claim him. How feisty is Sunghoon.

"You sure? I have to talk to him first, if he's willing to go at your place. Besides considering what you've done to him. I doubt he's willing to go." Jake replied honestly. He knows that Sunoo would probably off the streets than go at Sunghoon's place. But that's not the point. What's the purpose of him going there.

"Just make up a damn lie. You know, convince him or whatnot. I just need him to get close, so that i'll get the answers I want." Sunghoon said. Jake knew right away that this wasn't good idea. It's just equivalent on using Sunoo and not actually being sincere in being a friend.

But he knew his stupid, jerk friend has made up his mind and probably Jay concocted this stupid plan. "Okay, I'll lie to him. I'll take him tomorrow at your unit. Tell Jay that I need to talk him tomorrow." Jake said and ended the call. He did not let Sunghoon finish. He was just irritated by the beyond minds of his friends.

After calling Jake, Sunghoon plopped down in his bed. It was evident in his thoughts that he was jealous on how Jake could be somehow close to that guy. He admits that he should've handled the situation better but what's spilt is spilt. There's no use in crying for a spilt milk.

His goal is to get close with Sunoo and finds out everything connected with Shania. He wants an answers. As Jay concocted the plan on getting close with Sunoo. He agreed with it. Wholeheartedly! He knew that he needed to console this guy to open up. But the only terrifying thing is, he doesn't know Sunoo.

But somehow, his confusion against Sunoo made him drawn to him. He couldn't explain why but it feels like Sunoo is one of those pieces that will fit the last puzzle piece in your life.


After thinking about it, they made their way to the grave. Sunghoon and Jay were present there while Jake and Sunoo stayed at the unit watching Netflix movies together.

Looking at Shania's body getting buried in the 6ft ground makes him feel that this might be the last time he'll ever see the body. But he's still grateful for the things they've shared together. Even though, It didn't last nor It didn't work out in the end but they still tried.

Sunghoon realizes that the love he's having right now is platonic. It was a friends love. Because they were friends before lovers. He just hope that Shania would go in peace and the driver would go in jail.

After the burial, Jay and Sunghoon went home. They started to talk about how to move forward. Truth be told, Sunghoon would probably move on fast. Because he has no feelings that's holding back against him.

He knows that Shania would be happy, if Sunghoon would find someone he loves. After that Jay informs Sunghoon that he would go back into his condo unit. He'll just see him in next week. Because the school is fast approaching.

Right after Jay went home, Sunghoon stayed on his bed and feels a little excitement but also anxious knowing that he'll see the boy tomorrow. Then his eyelids close.

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