Chapter 9

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Sunoo asked Jake "Am I really going there? What if he hits me? or something worst like that?" He brought up his worries to Jake. It wasn't that he doesn't trust Jake but it's more of a personal problem to Sunghoon.

He doesn't know that guy, and probably by the way he acted, it shows he's a guy who's emotions are unstable. He can only hope that things would turn out well. "Sunoo, trust me. He's a jerk but one thing he couldn't do is to hit someone, someone as pretty as you." Jake replied with assuring tone.

Jake could only sigh, knowing how many methods he did or....Lies! Just to convince Sunoo in going to Sunghoon's apartment. If all goes to hell, one thing he could was to kneel but gladly, Sunoo accepted the offer after 10263616 times.

As they arrived at the front door at Sunghoon's unit. Jake knocks the door. There wasn't an answer, so he knocks again. But to no avail, there's still no answer. Jake decided to punch the code on the door and it opened. They make their way to the living room and decided to put the luggage at the guest room.

As they settled in the unit, Sunoo just seated himself at the couch and looks at the unit where he will be staying at. Back when he was dragged here, he wasn't able to see the entire structure of the unit. It was vivid and blurred but now he's able to look at it clearly.

After Jake finishes unloading Sunoo's things in the guest room. He goes his way towards Sunoo and sits beside him. "You'll be fine. I promise!!" Jake assured Sunoo. This wasn't an easy set-up and it would take days to getting used in this type of living.

"Thank you, Jake. I would probably on the streets or even at some cheap hostel." Sunoo smiled at him. Jake saw the sincerity in his words, he ruffled Sunoo's hair in response. Coincidentally, Sunghoon suddenly gets out of his room and saw Jake ruffling Sunoo's hair.

"When's the wedding?" Sunghoon asked irritatedly. He wasn't sure why he's coming at them like that but he definitely isn't pleased by what he just saw. Jake stopped ruffling on Sunoo's hair and as Sunoo heard the voice, he looks up to where the voice it came from.

It came from none other than the guy who dragged him here, Sunghoon! He was fucking shirtless and in his boxers. Sunoo averts his eyes and turns his head sideways.
Not gonna lie, he was packed and has good body. Sunghoon could only smirk after seeing Sunoo's reaction towards his body. I mean, it's his holy grail. So it's his prerogative when to flaunt.

"Don't be shy, you can take a peek of this perfection." Sunghoon said to Sunoo. Which only earned him a "Dream on, loser." Sunoo scoffed back at the sudden narcissist behavior. Jake noticed that Sunoo is getting uncomfortable about it. "Sunghoon, put on a clothes before going out from your room. You have a guest and that's inappropriate." Jake added to the conversation.

"K, whatever. Not my problem that i'm hot." Sunghoon replied to them nonchalantly. He goes inside and puts on a clothes. While he's putting it. He can't help but to think, he made a wrong judgment. He was so enraged at that time that he never paid attention to Sunoo's looks.

It's clear that what he saw is definitely graced with looks. He can help but to smile at the thought. It seems like he won't be bored after all. He gets out wearing a shirt and a pants. "I have to go Sunoo. Sunghoon, I'll leave Sunoo to you. I'll be back tomorrow because I'll be taking you to the school." Jake said to them. He was about to walk out when Sunghoon replied. "No, I'll be taking him at the school. You have done enough."

Jake just nodded in response because his friend clearly wants to be in command. He just waved his hand at Sunoo and leaves the unit. That leaves Sunoo and Sunghoon alone. After Jake left, it was so awkward. No words exchanged after that. If only silence can hurt them, they would be in critical condition already.

Since Sunghoon is the owner of this unit, he must need to address formally his guest. So he opens a conversation. "Hey, I would like to apologize for what happened in the past day. I wasn't really thinking about it and just dragged you along with my unstable emotions." Sunoo just thought that he wasn't all bad after all. It seems like he knows how to apologize and to take accountability for it.

Sunoo stayed silent. He wasn't sure if he forgives Sunghoon or not. But one thing he's sure about is to give him another chance to change his impression on him. "I know we met at the worst way possible but I'd like to make it up to you by inviting you here." Sunghoon added.

"Sure." Sunoo replied timidly. Sunghoon wasn't the type to apologize. He apologized three times in his life. It was his mom, Shania and now this guy (Sunoo). He just swallowed his pride just to get close with Sunoo and possibly gets the answers he wants. After that, he doesn't care where Sunoo will stay.

Sunghoon then sits at the opposite side of Sunoo and decides to strike an agreement. "Okay, since you're staying here then I won't expect that you'll be here for fully free right? Now do you know how to cook?" Sunghoon asked. After hearing Sunghoon's question, he was taken back by the thought of cooking. He knows how to cook, even most of the people who tasted his dishes likes it.

But then Sunoo remembers why he learned to cook. It was definitely not out of passion nor a hobby. But rather a survivability. However, he won't disclose his secret to anyone. "Yes, I know how to cook." He answered with no emotion.

"I may have to trouble you for the breakfast." Sunghoon said. That wasn't a problem in Sunoo's part. He was lucky he got invited in this glamorous unit rather than to live in a budget hostel with no sufficient fund to dispense. The thing he could pay is by his skills. "What about dinner?" Sunoo asked.

"Ah, maybe you can cook from time to time but I prefer to dine out. Don't worry about money or groceries. All is in the fridge. By the way, can you also maybe clean the unit a bit, only if you have time." Sunghoon replied. He wasn't sure if this is appropriate since he invited him first.

"Sure, I can do that. Anything else? If there's nothing else then can I go into my room? I'm actually tired." Sunoo said and smiled at Sunghoon genuinely for the first time.

"Yeah, you can go. Just cook for lunch okay? I'll just be in my room. Call me." Sunghoon replied and Sunoo leaves him at the couch. As soon as he got to his room, he plopped his ass and lays in the bed. He is still not over by the fact Shania's dead. As much as he wants to be strong, the tears won't stop escaping in his eyes. Sunghoon heard a muffled cries in the guest room. He figures, it is Sunoo . Still isn't over about the death.

It only made Sunghoon's suspicions grow. I mean, he's clearly close with Shania and knowing her ex-girlfriend. She's quite picky in terms of friendship. The doubts is still there in his heart and if he got to know the answer that this Sunoo guy is actually the one who wrecked their relationship. It's over for him. He would be kicked out immediately, no explanations needed.

He just stayed there at his bed laying about the possibilities. But he needs to know Sunoo first. One way to know him is to be friendly and use him.

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