Chapter 7

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The most unexpected things happen at the most unexpected time!
                           — Hawan

A hobby brings one joy.

The ruffling of paper and the turning of pages faded into the open air.

Dora rocked gently on the rocking chair that sat on the front porch of the house.

Which was her favorite spot to read.

Her shoulders relaxed as a cool breeze blew and stirred the trees dotted around.

She took a sip of the chilled lemonade that sat on a stool beside her.

Tension washed away from her body and a sigh of contentment escaped her lips.

She was getting a glimpse of her dream life.

A life where the storms of the past no longer existed.

A life where a flame of a bright future burned.

She reclined further as another fictional world was brought alive by words and her imagination.

Seconds and minutes flew by as the story unfolded.

Her ears perked up as the front door squeaked open.

"Oooh, you look exquisite!" A grin bloomed on her face as she looked up. "Going on a date with Philip?" Her eyes sparkled.

Tara's cheeks reddened. "Yes!" She straightened out her burgundy flared lace dress. "It is a double date between us and Alice and Niyi." A happy smile graced her face.

"That sounds exciting!" Dora beamed.
"I am sure you and Alice are quite excited about the blooming friendship between the men, right?"

"Oh yes; Alice goes on about her dreams of us going wedding shopping together and all that." She chuckled.

"Well, those dreams may just come true." Dora's wink caused her daughter's face to turn red.

Dora laughed in response.

"Will you be staying at home all day? Or do you have an outing planned?"

Dora thought for a minute before answering. "Well, I don't know yet. I must finish this." She raised the book with excitement gleaming in her eyes.

"Of course; I wish I inherited your love for reading!" Tara grinned

"Well, you don't do bad yourself." Dora laughed. "And I wished you got your love for art from me," she added with a smile.

"Well, you could always learn." Tara's laughter rang out.

And Dora's own followed.

A loud honk interrupted the happy chatter of the women.

"That must be Philip!" Tara exclaimed as she picked up her black clutch.

"Well then, don't keep him waiting!"

Dora's smile increased as Tara bent down and pecked her on the cheeks.

"Send him my greetings!" She grinned.

"I will!" Tara said and raced down the stairs and out the gate.

Dora's smile remained even as she heard the car zoom off.

She said a silent prayer to ward off evil eyes from her daughter's happiness.

As she stared ahead at the endless sky, her mind traveled back to her young days.

The days when she and her friends giggled when their crushes smiled at them.

The days when a thrill used to consume them when a guy asked them out for the first time.

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