Chapter 42

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Shock is when language and emotion get overwritten by trauma's numbing code.— Stewart Stafford

A week passed in tranquility. Dora was basking in her newfound happiness. She lounged on the couch indulging in her favorite pastime.

"What time are we leaving?" Tara asked from her place on the armchair.

"In an hour or two?" Dora replied.

"Are you sure you shouldn't start getting ready? You know how long it takes you."

Dora put down the book and grinned at her daughter. "Nah, I will try my best to use less time in getting ready."

Tara chuckled. "If you say so. All the best!"

"Thank you." Dora sent her an appreciative smile.

The women went quiet as they returned to their respective tasks.


"I am here!" Dora squealed an hour later as she appeared at the entrance to the living room.

Tara's mouth dropped open and Chiaka gaped at her.

Dora laughed at their dumbstruck expression. "Say something."

Chiaka stalked to Dora and rasped out, "I just can't believe it."

"You got ready in thirty minutes." Tara's eyes widened with surprise floating in them.

Dora smiled. Something she had been doing more frequently in the last week.

"I told you I was going to do things differently." She walked further into the room and took a seat.

Tara shook her head. "I thought you were just saying that to get us off your back."

Dora produced another smile. "I meant it, dear. It's a season of change and I intend to participate in it fully."

"I am happy to hear that. But what is the secret for your sudden change?"' Chiaka asked with a curious frown.

"Oh come on, aunty, it has to do with a certain person coming to pick us up." Tara giggled.

Heat covered Dora's cheeks and she ducked her head.

"Oh, of course, how could I forget? Ever since she came back from that trip, we got a new version of her—Dora 2.0."

"Exactly!" Tara squealed. "I have hardly been able to recognize her." Tara produced a humorous laugh.

"It's definitely a sign of love," Chiaka remarked with twinkling eyes.

Dora's cheeks grew hotter at the mention of the L word.

I haven't even told him I love him," she wanted to announce but thought against it. She knew they would never allow her to hear the last of it.

Tara and Chiaka sent more teasing remarks her way. She sent them shy looks and huffed.

Their teasing ended when the doorbell shrieked.

The eyes of the women traveled to the door.

"Ooh, Mom," Tara snickered, "that must be your beau. I'll get it." Tara smirked and headed towards the door.

Butterflies fluttered in Dora's stomach and anticipation welled within her. A smile appeared on her face as Tara opened the door and Gerald's smiling face came into view.

"Hello, Uncle," Tara said and stepped to the side for Gerald to pass.

Gerald grinned and squeezed Tara's shoulder. "It is good to see you again, dear."

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