Chapter 1

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Yoon Su's POV

I was startled awake by screaming.

"You little shit head get your lazy ass up and go to school!!".

I ran my hand through my raven colored locks and sighed.

"Different day same shit" I thought tiredly, sweeping my eyes across the room lazily.

I've been living in this hell hole for a year now because my law firm is in this building and it just makes sense that I just live in the same building too. (Yk lazy bitch shit)

I flopped back down on my bed and glanced at the clock on my beside table.


"Shit I'm gonna be late for work!!!" I shouted in my head

I hurriedly took a shower did my morning routine and hurried out the door.

Oh I forgot to introduce myself , Hi I'm Park Yoon Su, I'm 30 years old I work at Jipuragi Law Firm for 2 and a half years now - I'm more of an assistant- I don't necessarily hate it, but I don't love it either. Anyways back to the story.

I dashed through the hall ways apologizing to the usual early rising tenants I bumped into along the way until I finally reached my destination.

"Sorry I'm late!!" I shouted as I busted through the door only to see Mr. Nam looking at me startled.

"Good morning Mr.Nam"I greeted with a slight bow and a smile then casually made my easy to my desk, as if I didn't just scare the man half to death.

"G-Good morning Y-Yoon S-Su" He greeted back with a 'what the hell' just happened look on his face.

I proceeded to open my laptop and organize my files that were left on my desk as Mr. Nam handed me a cup of coffee.

"Thank you" I said while he nodded in acknowledgment.

After settling down I glanced at the clock and realized that Mr. Hong was still not present. I looked over to Mr. Nam and asked.

"Where's Mr. Hong?" He replied.

"He's at a court hearing at the moment he should be back in about two hours." I just nodded and turned my attention back to my computer screen.

"That little brat, I can't believe she would have the audacity to try and trick me like that" Mr. Hong muttered to himself as he walked in.

I stood up and bowed in greeting.

"Good morning Mr.Hong" I said while still bowing.

"Good morning Yoon Su" He greeted back while making his way towards his desk.

I sat back down as Mr. Nam also greeted him.

(A/n: I don't remember what happened after this so bear with me)

Time skip: a couple hours later

It's currently 8:30 pm when one of the tenants rushed inside the office and flung himself down on an empty chair.

"I saw a man" He said, after he collected his breath.

"Okay? I saw two men and an idiot today" I retorted but was ignored.

"Really?" Mr.Hong asked.

"I definitely saw a man with the owner at the entrance" He said.

"So I followed them, but it looks like he even rented out a housing unit upstairs from us" He continued to blabber on.

I stopped listening at some point, until........

"He kinda gave off an eerie vibe. What was that movie called? He looked like a handsome movie villain" He said

Now that caught my attention. But I continued to stay silent.

"Did you know? Handsome villains are scarier and more brutal" Mr.Nam said

"That must be why people are scared of me. Goodness" The tenant said

'No they're scared of you cause you act like a fucking madman' I silently thought to myself as I tried to hide my amusement.

"People aren't scared of you Mr.Lee" Mr.Hong said. 'So that's his name.'

"Should I scare him and get some information? Like who he is and why he's here?" Mr .Lee said.

"Mr.Nam,come closer, come" he urged Mr.Nam. Mr. Nam, being confused as hell but also a bit curious, obliged to the crazy guys request.

Then suddenly he grabbed his neck.

"I'll grab his throat and twist it to the side. Then he'll start talking"he said while demonstrating on Mr. Nam.

"Name"he asks 'threateningly'.

"Nam Ju Sung" Mr.Nam replied, scared for his life.

"Where are you from?"


"Favorite food?"


"Let go if his throat now" Mr. Hong finally said.

"Okay" he said as he lets go of Mr.Nam's neck.

"Tell the rest of the tenants. Hurry" Mr. Hong said to Mr.Lee.

"This will be interesting" I thought as I followed Mr. Lee's hurried steps with my eyes.

So how'd I do? I know I probably won't get much reads on this book but if I do I would love for you guys to reach out.
Remember to vote and comment :)

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