Chapter 30

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There is a price to pay for speaking the truth, there is a bigger price for living the lie

~Cornel West


"Sir, What are you doing here at this time?" I asked our Microprocessors professor Mr. Jatin and hostel warden Mr. Raj standing on the other side of the door .

I looked at Janu from the corner of my eye, who playing with her hands in panic and with her eyes closed mumbling something.

"We heard a someone scream and are checking every room if everything is alright." Jatin sir asked me.

"Oh! That was Aarthav, he was bouncing on the bed and slipped." I lied to him and held the door tight hoping they won't catch my lie.

"Is he okay?" They asked me worriedly looking for Aarthav in the room.

"Yeah, I am. Just twisted my ankle, I'll be fine sir" Aarthav answered lying on his bed and I opened the door completely hiding Janu behind it.

"Start acting like adults, and be ready by 7 tomorrow." Raj mumbled and I looked at them with a smile and closed the door.

I huffed down the breath the I was holding in worry. Thank god! We didn't get caught.

"I just felt a wave of affection for you Aarthav, thank you for not ratting me out." Janu said to him with a pinch of sarcasm walking to the bed.

"I did this for my friend not you." He snickered at her.

"Don't say that BeBe, I know you love me." She winked, riling him up.

They do bicker all the time, can you believe they never had a normal conversation without fighting this last 3 years?

"Stop calling me that and I am not your BeBe or whatever that is."

"You are my best friend's boyfriend and boyfriend's best friend, So I am your bebe and you are my bebe." She explained making me laugh.

She is crazy! And I am crazy for her.

"Okay Janu, that's enough. You take my bed and I will share with Aarthav." I stopped them before we get another person comes knocking.

"I am not sacrificing my bed for her, She is your problem not mine. Good Night." He replied sprawling across the bed and turning the lights off.

And that's how me and Janu ended up on the same bed, lying the opposite edges tugging the sheets, One small shove and we both will land on the floor. I could feel her twist, turn and sigh.

"Janu, Are you okay?"I asked her.

"I am, it's just that I am having an inner battle inside, I want to be close to you at the same time I am worried that you would think that I am desperate. We sit closer than this and we already slept together on your birthday, not on the bed th." I stopped her ramble by moving closer and spooned her into my arms.

"I wanted to be close to you too, I love you my crazy nut.."I said and kissed her on the head, enjoying her smell.

"Remember me, I am still in the room. No adult stuff under the sheets please." Aarthav said making us chuckle.

After a few minutes of silence, her breathing slowed down and her body warmed up, Look at her sleeping with no care in the world what she does to me, with her cute button nose, doe eyes, those glossy lips and that beautifully carved face.

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