Chapter 2

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The bell tolled signaling the end of English. I nodded for Cadmus to follow, he obliged and we walked towards the front of the school. "Do you have a car?" I asked to break the silence that was hovering around us.

"Yes, but I didn't drive here today" he said slinging an arm over my shoulder. I stumbled from the weight of him. "We, are carpooling." He wiggled his eyebrows at me and let a smile play on his lips.

I rolled my eyes and shoved his arm off of me and sarcastically groaned "Great."

Laughter tore through us as we reached the door. He held it open for me and I led the way to my car. We walked for another minute or so before my little grey Focus came into view. I loved this car, it wasn't much to look at but it worked and it was mine. It had fabric covered blue-grey seats, and I'd hung a panda shaped air freshener on the rearview mirror. I unlocked it with the press of a button and waved my hand to signal him to get in the passengers seat. I got in the drivers seat and started the ignition and pulled out of the parking lot in a swift motion.

"How long have you worked at the studio?" He asked me while digging through my glove box.

I looked over and let out a low chuckle. "I've been hanging out there since I was 12, I've been working there since I was 14" I said as I reached over and shut the glove box. "Did you need something" I poked, looking between him and the road.

"I was just snooping" he said with boyish joy playing in his silky amber eyes. I rolled my eyes and turned a corner. "Is your boss gonna be okay with me hanging out with you?"

I looked at him for a second, "Steve doesn't control who I hang out with." I sighed sarcastically. He looked at me, the first serious look I've seen from him. I sighed "He's fine with any friends I want to be there coming along with me. I don't usually have guests, so he'll actually be happy that you're coming... I think."

"You're not sure?" He poked.

I shook my head, "I've never brought any friends to the studio." I said with regret in my voice. "I've never really had friends, well, friends that don't work at the studio already." I laughed as I pulled into the parking lot. "Where do you have to go for work?" I asked. I was desperate to change the subject.

"It's a place where business happens," he replied coyly, "I think you'll like it, we can go there when you're done."

"You don't have a start time?"

"Lets just say they'll work around me." He laughed.

The studio was a large grey building, with a bright orange neon sign that said, "The Studio" blazing. The windows were covered in posters from bands that I didn't know or care to listen too. I got out of the car, Cadmus followed suit. We walked to the glass door that looked as if it has just been polished, probably for the new singer coming in. I was not excited for this, I knew how it was going to go. They were going to come in, treat me like dirt, complain that I'm not making them sound good enough, then leave. It's a cycle.

We walked through the door and were greeted by the old hardwood floors with the worn grey shag carpet splayed on it. There was an old red couch with silver painted wood trim to our right, and a receptionist desk. Directly in front of us was a door leading to the back studio, lounge, bathrooms, and a kitchen.

I walked over, behind the desk, and flipped a switch and the studio sprang to life. Around the trim of the ceiling twinkly lights flickered on, and light jazzy music began to play. I turned on the computer and picked up keys from a hook under the counter. I looked up at Cadmus who made himself comfortable on the red couch. I walked over to him and extended my hand "you want a tour?"

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