Chapter 4

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"That was a wraith." Hades said walking over to me. He grabbed my leg and touched at the gash causing me to release a hiss in pain. "They don't usually come into the city, especially not when we're around." He gave a cocky grin to Cadmus.

I looked at them and started laughing. Like uncontrollably, earning strange looks from both boys. "You are pretty confident for someone who didn't do shit to fight that thing."

Cadmus laughed as he stood up and held out a hand to help me. "You ok there, sapphire?" I regained my composure with a deep breath and grabbed his hand and hoisted myself up, being careful not to put weight on my right leg. I made eye contact with Cadmus. "Hades, I think she's in shock..." he trailed off releasing my hand and dropping my gaze.

Hades stepped towards me and cupped my chin in his hand, forcing me to meet his gaze. He stared at me intensely for a couple minutes, like he was looking for something in my eyes. "Are you ok?" He turned my chin and checked the sides of my face. "Sapphire, that was a Wraith and you handled the battle beautifully, but you need to let me help you get to safety and heal."

"Who the fuck are you two that something like that didn't even phase you?"

"I'm a god, Sapphire."


"It's true," Cadmus intervened, "but we shouldn't discuss it here, Sapphire, let us take you to the forge. Please."

"Sapphire, are you alright?" Hades asked again.

I grabbed Hades' hand and gently pried it from my face. "I'm fine, I'm just tired." I looked down at my leg and my clothes, I couldn't go home like this. I was covered in blood and dirt and just overall I felt disgusting. "Let me go get my gym clothes from my car and we can go to the forge. If my parents catch me walking in like this they're going to call the cops." I started walking and a wave of dizziness washed over me and the world was enveloped in black nothingness. It's what I pictured death to look like.

"Come here little one, don't be frightened." I opened my eyes to see a beautiful woman. She was tall and slim and pale. Her hair was blonde and she had deep brown eyes that held joy and peace. Her dress of forest green gauzy material swayed around her, as she walked towards me the flowers embroidered on her dress looked to be swaying in a summer breeze. Her lips were painted red and a smile rested comfortably on her face. "It's ok little one. You need not be frightened, the flames will not hurt you." She held out a manicured hand and looked at me expectantly.

I took a moment to take in my surroundings. I was sitting in ash, it looked like a burnt down house. My small hands were covered in flame and tears spill from my eyes. The small dress I wore was charred at the hem and there were shoes missing from my feet. This was me, but not me. It was young me, a me I didn't remember.

I grabbed her outstretched hand and allowed her to pull me up. She ran her hands down my arms in a solidifying gesture. The flames on my hands dissipated and the tears dried up. I locked eyes with the strange woman and allowed the questions to swirl in my eyes. She caressed my cheek and placed a kiss on my forehead. An overwhelming calm washed over me as she gently tugged on my arm signaling for me to follow her. We passed through a charred threshold and towards my family.

It was night time, stars were complimenting a bright full moon that illuminated the world. I noticed my family standing on the sidewalk. My sister was small and fragile looking in her soft pink night gown. She hugged my fathers leg crying into him. My father, in basketball shorts and old t-shirt, rubbed nurturing circles on her back while gaping at me. My mother was standing in her purple pajama set with her arms crossed at her chest and a scowl painting her face. "What is wrong with my her?" My mom pointed a finger into the chest of the lady holding my hand "how did she do that?"

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